School Blog

Awesome Anglo-Saxon homework

Class 3 have been busy again! The children learnt all about Anglo-Saxon houses and villages and compared these with Roman towns. The children were then set the challenge of researching and creating their own Anglo-Saxon house or village. Ms Chapman has been ‘blown away’ with the results. We now have a number of Anglo-Saxon villages in our hall. I think you will agree they are all truly amazing.


Dear Newsround…

CBBC Newsround is a favourite in Class 4! We think it’s really important to hear about the important news stories happening in the world, and the discussions that we have about them are always lively and enlightening. As our Christian value of this term is Thankfulness, we thought we would show our thanks (and practise some letter-writing!) by sending our favourite presenters some fan mail. We thought very carefully about who to choose, why we valued watching the program and what it was about each presenter that inspired us.

Today, a very exciting envelope arrived in school – a reply! The Newsround team have written back to us and thanked us for our letters. We even got an autographed photo of our favourite presenter to keep – another autograph for the ever-growing collection! Well done Class 4 for your amazing letters!

Young Voices!

Children from Key Stage 2 attended the Young Voices event on Monday 5th February along with over 9,000 other children. The children have been practising the songs at an after school club and learning all the dance moves! We set off for Manchester and our journey included some impromptu singing. The children enjoyed a rehearsal in the afternoon, this included learning some extra songs and being led by a conductor. As the excitement grew the adults joined us at the AO Arena. The children were amazing and sang beautifully, loved all the dancing and the other performances especially M C Grammar, Urban Strides and Nandi Bushell.  Mrs Haslam and Ms Chapman were exceptionally proud of all the children!

Printing inspired by African Motifs

Class 4 have enjoyed studying African art and fabrics which has led to creating their own prints and then a collaborative whole-class piece.  Our designs were taken from nature, wildlife, geometric patterns etc seen in traditional pieces from Ghana, Zimbabwe and Kenya.

Investigating place names

Today, Class Three continued their history topic on the Anglo-Saxons and Scots. The children had great fun looking at the meaning of place names and their origins and used the atlases to find Anglo-Saxon place names. We looked at the meaning of these place names and them plotted them onto a blank map. Why not ask your child if they can name any of these!

Islamic Inspired Art

Class Three have been learning about Islamic art. We began by looking at the shapes, colours and symmetry in a variety of Islamic tiles and buildings. We then experimented with designing patterns using rulers and lots of precision drawings to create stars. We then looked at using 2D shapes to design our own individual design. The final design was drawn out and coloured using contrasting colours. Here are some of our amazing final products!


Still-LIfe Studies


Class 4 have been developing their skills to draw three dimensional objects accurately on a 2 dimensional surface using art pencils, pencil crayons, pastels, water colour and ink pens.

We studied the work of Paul Cezanne in detail – exploring how he used colour and texture to create 3D effects of everyday objects including fruit, plates, vases, jugs etc.   After practising our skills extensively using a range of media and studying his work in detail; we created still-life arrangements of our own.

Multi-Faith Week

We have learnt so much this week during our focus on the sacred texts of four different religions – Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism.

Each day, every class learnt about one of these religions with one of our four class teachers which culminated in sharing all our learning in our Celebration Assembly on Friday morning.

On Friday we also reflected on what we had enjoyed about our learning and why it is important to learn about religions followed by millions of people both in Britain and across the world.

Amazing Archaeology

Class Three had an amazing archaeology workshop this afternoon. They learnt all about the work of archaeologist, how they conduct digs and also the other tools they use such as aerial photographs. The children looked at maps and decided where they would build a settlement and provided their reasons. All the sites identified were actually settlements! The highlight of the afternoon was discovering how archaeologist know about the foods people ate in the past. A massive thank you to Claire and Sophie from Morecambe Bay Partnership for organising the workshop.



Ninja Warrior fun!

We were treated to a wonderful visit from Jonny and Michelle last week from Ninja Warrior Kids! Jonny, who won the Ninja Warrior final in 2017 delivered an inspiring assembly about growth mindset, resilience and achieving our goals. Each class took part in their own Ninja Warrior style obstacle course throughout the day which was fun and challenging for all! Thank you for a wonderful day!