School Blog

Electric posters.

Class Three were set the challenge of producing an information poster for a museum to educate the public about an aspect of Roman life. The children researched their chosen topic, produced draft designs then refined their final design. They used corrugated card to strengthen their poster and also added an electrical circuit to include a bulb on their final electric poster. I think you will agree they look fantastic as well as providing valuable information.

Dallam gymnastics.

Class Three had a fantastic morning at Dallam Sports Hall taking part in a gymnastics carousel. The children behaved perfectly and all gave the activities 100%. The children had the opportunity to use a variety of equipment and demonstrate their gymnastics skills including jumping, forwards rolls, balancing and movement. They all had a brilliant time, thank you very much to the students and staff at Dallam for making this possible and Mrs Coker and Mrs Mason for accompanying us.


Class 2 have been learning a variety of different skills in gymnastics this term. Here are some pictures of us in action!

Levens Young Voices choir of 2025

Our Young Voices choir of 2025 again took part in the largest children’s choir in the world last week, when they performed live at the Co-op arena in Manchester. Making the day even more special was a live streaming around the world of ‘Marley Magic’ to celebrate the legendary Bob Marley on what would have been his 80th birthday! We hope those of you who were able to join us had as much fun as we did!

Animal Quiz Answers

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in Mrs Mason’s animal quiz over the last few months. Entries have now closed and the winners have been drawn – the lucky winners will receive a lovely red envelope very soon!

There was an enormous response to the quiz and we a very grateful to everyone who gave it a go. The final total raised is still being calculated – we will update this post with the grand total.

To put you all out of your misery, all of the anagram answers are below.

Animals Quiz – Answers


Class 2 have been learning lots about 2D and 3D shape over the past couple of weeks.

Road Safety

Class 2 had a lovely workshop yesterday all about road safety. They learnt all about this through role play. Thank you to pyjama drama learning for coming and sharing this experience with us.

Class One explore light and shadows

The Gruffalo’s Child has been our our book of the week and has prompted us to explore light and shadows. We have talked about different light sources and that shadows are formed when something blocks a light source. We had lots of fun in the classroom using the light box and puppets to reenact the story. The beautiful weather on Wednesday allowed us to experience shadows outside in the playground, where we drew around each other as well as some of our big dinosaurs!

Art in Class 2!

Bob has been doing some wonderful art with Class 2. They are learning about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and relating this to our English topic of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Reception visit Martin Mere!

We experienced a wonderful, action packed day on Wednesday, when we visited Martin Mere Wetland Centre in Lancashire. This supported our learning from the autumn term about migration and Chris, our guide for the day, taught us all about the migration of swans to the UK. We were able to see the swans up close during feeding time and even learned a flamingo dance! The highlight of our day however was a visit to see the otters!