Recent Activities
What are we going to be learning this term?
Curriculum Overview:
Maths: We start the spring term by continuing with our multiplication topic. We will then look at measurements, including perimeter and area. Following this, we will learn about fractions. This will include comparing fractions, adding and subtracting and some problem solving.
English: In the spring term we will look at books by the amazing author Anthony Browne. Following this we will look at poetry by Michael Rosen, including the fantastic ‘Chocolate Cake’. We will also be looking at The Owl and the Pussycat and also The Further Adventures of the Owl and the Pussycat.
Science: We cover two different science topics this term. We begin the term by looking at living things and using keys to identify animals and plants. We will also look at plants with a focus on identifying the parts of a plant and then focusing on the parts of a flower. There will be lots of exciting experiments being carried out!
Topic: The children had a fantastic time learning about the Stone Age. This term we will move on to our geography topic on the British Isles. We will locate the counties, islands, seas and major cities of the British Isles. We will then look at the key features of Cumbria and learn about National Parks with a focus on the Lake District. We will also be identifying human and physical features and the differences between hamlets, villages, towns and cities. This will include lots of map work and fieldwork, such as field sketches and hopefully a fieldtrip to Bowness.
SCARF: SCARF stands for the values we uphold in school - Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship. In explicit teaching sessions we will cover topics under the themes of ‘valuing difference’ and ‘being my best’.
PE: Basketball, gymnastics, hockey and orienteering are our engaging topics for PE this term. We will learn to orientate a map, use a control card and navigate a course safely, whilst also developing our team work skills. Our passing and attacking skills will continue to be developed along with travelling and balancing in a variety of ways, including using the apparatus. Our P.E slots are scheduled for Monday and Friday. Don’t forget that every Friday, children come to school in their P.E kits as they will all be having a fun-filled session with Barrow Raiders.
Computing: We will be learning all photo-editing and stop frame animation. This will include an exciting workshop in school.
RE: Our Christian Value for this term is respect. Our RE topics will be David and the Psalms, looking at what values are important to us. We will also look at Easter and examine if the cross is a symbol of sadness or joy.
D&T: Following our amazing topics in the autumn term we will be looking at seasonal fruit and vegetables and their health benefits. Just before Easter, we will look at electrical systems and design our own electrical safety poster.
Art: Art will focus on two topics this term: collage and digital art. The work of Suzsi Cario and Andy Warhol will inspire our creations!
French: We will develop our knowledge of French food and healthy eating. We will also focus on translation skills when looking at the play Cinderella in French.