School Council

About our School Council:
Children are at the heart of our school community. As a school we value the thoughts, ideas and opinions of all our children and the School Council is one way of ensuring the voice of the children is heard and has an impact on the development of the school.
Class Representatives from across the school are elected by their classes. These children then have an extremely important job to do. They are responsible for the ongoing process of collecting the thoughts, ideas and opinions of the children in their class and reporting back to the Council. They bring new ideas forward for how we can improve our school and local environment. They sometimes come to the meetings with ideas of fund raising for the school and for other local or national charities. Once they have identified a priority, they lead the initiative to enhance what we do as a school.

In our current school year so far we have…..

  • organised the contents of our time capsule following the completion of our new classroom extension
  • organised events for this year’s World Book Day
  • led fundraising events in school such as Comic Relief and Children in Need
  • we are doing a survey in school to find out what books everyone would like to see in our new library. 
  • we have made posters to put around our perimeter fence to discourage trespassers coming into school after some recent damage. 

Last update – May 2024