Friends of Levens School

The Friends of Levens School, otherwise known as FOLS, are a group of volunteers who organise events to raise valuable funds that support every child in our school. Events such as Christmas and Summer Fairs, Swimathons etc, all to raise money that is spent on such things as special visitors in school, trips offsite, Leavers’ treats, extra materials to support learning and funding special projects such as buying more books for our new library. Taking part is a great way to get to know other parents and friends and we welcome all offers of help. We look forward to seeing you at our next event!

Please read our summer newsletter to find out more: FOLS Summer Newsletter 2024

Please look out for texts and information in book bags, plus we also have our FOLS facebook page.  This will keep you in touch and give you updates about how we can all work together to hold successful events and raise valuable funds for our children and our school.


School Council have just visited Waterstones in Lancaster choosing book for our new library with money raised by FOLS:

Our new cooking station recently arrived in school ready to support curriculum design and technology.  This was bought with funds raised from our Swimathon in March.