Brewery Dance Performance

26th March 2025 @ 7:00 pm



Brewery Arts School Dance Platform 2025 – Wednesday 26th March 2025

Dear Parents,

I am writing to you with details of arrangements for our exciting forthcoming event at the Brewery Arts Centre. The children have been rehearsing with Ashleigh, (one of the Brewery Dance Specialists) for several weeks and are almost ready to shine on stage alongside dancers from other local schools.


The theme of our dance is ‘Space’ and we would like the children to dress in black trousers, joggers or leggings and a white/shiny or sparkly top. Please could you provide a ‘Space’ themed outfit (trousers and a top), ideally with no writing or pictures on. Please can this be brought to school on Wednesday 12th March. The children will perform in bare feet.


Our final rehearsal with Ashleigh and Miss Heaton will be after school on Wednesday 19th March 3.30-4.30pm.

Wednesday 26th March:

Afternoon rehearsal:  We are expected at the Brewery for 3pm to begin dress rehearsals so will be leaving school by coach by 2.30pm. All the children will need to be collected for tea, once rehearsals are complete and prior to the evening performance. Please collect your child at 5.15pm and return them to the Brewery for 6.20pm.

The performance begins at 7pm and is likely to finish at approximately 8.00pm.  I assume that tickets for the evening have already been purchased and expect that each child may have a member of their family in the audience.  Once the performance is over, you will be able to come into the waiting area to collect your child. Please advise us before the evening if you have arranged for your child to be collected by someone else, for example another child’s parent.

Photography and Name Permission:

The Brewery is seeking consent from school to record/photograph the event. These images will be available to purchase and details about this will follow after the performance. They would also like to include the first names of the children in the event programme.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to Ashleigh for her commitment to our dancers.  They have all worked incredibly hard and enjoyed their sessions. I am sure you are as excited as they are to be performing in this event.

Please sign the attached form and return to school as soon as possible; and no later than Friday 7th March.