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Class 2
Spring Term Curriculum 2025
Maths This term in maths, we will continue developing key skills and concepts, starting with place value, where children will deepen their understanding of number structure. We’ll then explore the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, followed by using addition and subtraction strategies to solve problems confidently. Next, multiplication and division will be introduced, building early concepts and times table fluency, before moving on to measuring length and height, where children will compare and use appropriate units. We look forward to a fun and productive term ahead!
English This term Year 1 will be developing their independence when writing as well as learning how to check their work themselves, for example spotting spelling mistakes and missing punctuation. Year 2 will consolidate their understanding of different punctuation by learning about different types of sentences and how to extend their sentences using conjunctions. Year 2 will also begin to use commas in a list for example when using more than one adjective. We will begin the term by looking at a familiar traditional story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We will be learning the story by heart but also exploring an alternative version. We will be using our imagination to change the story and write our own versions. During the second half of the term, our English work will link very closely to our science topic and we will be using poems and nursery rhymes to inspire our own writing.
Science This term in science, we will be learning all about plants! The children will explore what plants need to grow and stay healthy, identify different parts of plants, and learn about their functions. We’ll also investigate the life cycle of plants, including how seeds grow into fully developed plants. Through hands-on activities, such as planting seeds and observing their growth, the children will develop their understanding of the natural world around them.
Topic In history, we will explore the lives of two inspiring figures from the past: Rosa Parks and Sara Forbes Bonetta. Through their stories, the children will investigate similarities and differences between life in different periods and understand the impact of significant individuals in shaping history. In geography, we’ll focus on developing key geographical skills and fieldwork. The children will study our school and its grounds, identifying human and physical features in the surrounding environment. They will learn to use simple compass directions (N, S, E, W) and locational language such as near, far, left, and right. We’ll also create simple maps with keys, use aerial photographs to identify landmarks, and label field sketches of the school environment. These activities will help them gain a deeper understanding of their local area.
PE This term in PE, we will focus on a range of exciting activities to develop key skills. In gymnastics, the children will work on creating different shapes and balances, combining these into flowing movements. For fundamental movement skills, we’ll practice catching and bouncing a ball with accuracy, improving control and coordination, and introducing the concepts of opponents and simple tactics through ball games. Additionally, we’ll enjoy outdoor and adventurous activities, working together to complete fun challenges that promote teamwork and problem-solving in “The Great Outdoors.”
Computing This term in computing, Year 1 will learn about Moving a Robot, exploring how to give simple commands to control its movements. Year 2 will build on this with Robot Algorithms, creating sequences of instructions for robots to follow. Both year groups will also dive into Digital Photography, learning how to capture and edit images using digital devices, enhancing their creativity and technical skills.
RE This term in RE, we will explore key themes in Christianity. As we learn about Easter, the children will investigate how symbols, such as the cross and palm leaves, help us understand the Easter story and its significance. We will also reflect on the question, “What made Jesus special?” by examining stories from his life and the qualities that made him an important figure in Christianity. Our Christian value this term is Respect.
DT The children will develop their creativity and practical skills through two exciting projects. They will design and construct a windmill, exploring how it works, and the materials needed to make it functional. Later, they will make their puppets, learning techniques for cutting, joining, and decorating fabrics to bring their designs to life.
ART This term Bob will be teaching the children art. They will explore Andy Goldsworthy in the outdoors and printing using natural materials based on William Morris.
SCARF This term the children will be focusing on valuing differences and being the best versions of themselves.
Music This term in music, the children will explore dynamics and tempo, learning how the volume and speed of music can create different moods and effects. They will also focus on rhythm and pitch, developing their ability to recognize and create patterns in music and exploring how high and low sounds are used to compose melodies. Through fun and engaging activities, the children will enhance their listening, performing, and creative skills.