
X Country Running at Casterton

This week our intrepid x-country runners braved freezing temperatures and a very challenging terrain to compete in the schools cross country event at Casterton.  After several weeks of attending our Friday running club in preparation and a warm-up event at Dallam School, 10 runners decided to brave the elements to go for gold again.

The photos clearly show their determination, focus and stamina as they raced against over 80 other competitors in each event.  All of our children were overjoyed to share their achievements in our Celebration Assembly this morning and were suitably congratulated by the whole school who were in awe of their courage and resilience.   Two children have also qualified for the county finals coming up later this month.

Thanks to all the family members who supported us with getting the children to the event AND for all the encouragement cheering them along the way on the side lines.

Ninja Warrior fun!

We were treated to a wonderful visit from Jonny and Michelle last week from Ninja Warrior Kids! Jonny, who won the Ninja Warrior final in 2017 delivered an inspiring assembly about growth mindset, resilience and achieving our goals. Each class took part in their own Ninja Warrior style obstacle course throughout the day which was fun and challenging for all! Thank you for a wonderful day!

Windermere Football Skills

Last week, Class 4 were privileged to be invited to Windermere School for their football skills session. Despite the rain howling through the night, the day turned out with only showers and we arrived at Windermere ready to get stuck in. Up the hill we went to the 3G pitch with our attentive coaches – everyone had fun and showed great enthusiasm.

The best bit though? If you ask me – a free lunch!!

Thanks again to all the staff at Windermere school for the session. Photos below!

Wild Weather & Rickety Rafts!

“There’s no such thing as poor weather – only unsuitable clothing”

A good thing then that Class 4 were kitted out with wetsuits! A miserable showing from the weather did not dampen our spirits as we arrived bright and early at Glenridding Sailing Centre for a day of raft building. After suiting up and being given a short design brief, we got stuck right into crafting some rafts. Some furious knot-tying later and the seemingly random pile of poles, rope and barrels had been turned into two reasonably seaworthy looking vessels!

There was only one way to prove it, however, and so the race was on with the teams speeding across the lake. Even the sudden whirlpool which appeared courtesy of the safety boat didn’t put the intrepid adventurers off. One team even managed one and a half laps before the inevitable!

All good things must come to an end though, and soon enough the hastily secured barrels began to escape. Before long, nearly everyone had been unceremoniously dumped into the water for a good swim.

A huge thanks to Josh at the Glenridding Sailing Centre for hosting the day for us and a big well done to everyone in Class for for bringing your best smiles, making your own fun and looking out for each other.

Junior Sports Day

What an afternoon! Fortunately the rain held off for the juniors to have a great time at their sports afternoon, led by the Barrow Raiders team. We kicked off proceedings with a skills circuit, including the high jump, long jump and nerf-football throwing. After that, we got straight into a range of races and obstacle courses to test a range of skills. Last but not least, the tug-of-war!

Well done to everyone involved, particularly red team who just about snatched the win by a very narrow margin. Thanks again to the Barrow Raiders team for organising and leading the day!

Elleray Cross Country Event

What an absolutely brilliant afternoon we all had at Elleray last week, participating in their terrific, challenging and rewarding cross country competition, running against 564 of the best runners that the county has to offer!

As totally expected, our team of 18 did not disappoint, everyone finishing the hilly, stream-ridden course with great personal gratification to be rewarded with a special medal and a burger/hotdog!

For a small school, we provide a terrific punch in cross country running, our Under 10 girls finishing second in the team competition, many children running against much older competitors. The day might have been incredibly cold, but staff and parents were warmed through with pride, appreciating every single effort, they could not have given more or tried harder.

Running Club concludes for the season this week with a celebration run through Levens Park and warming homemade refreshments served at Mrs Mason’s farm. We cannot wait to start again in September already…..

South Lakes District Cross Country Trials

What a terrific and successful afternoon was had at the district trails this week and what a muddy delight to be there!

It was ‘touch and go’ for this event to even take place on Wednesday, following torrential rain for several days in the lead up. The ‘go ahead’ was finally given on the morning and our team of 9, excited and full of confidence travelled to the challenging and muddy course at Casterton to compete.

What effort, what support, and what an achievement by everyone, who excelled to run their best, in races against at least 80 of the best district runners.

I am delighted to report that everyone finished in the top 50%, and that 6 pupils qualified for the Cumbria finals on Tuesday 17th January.

We are so very proud!

The fun that is Running Club continues each Friday until the end of March when all runners will compete at the season finale at Elleray, what a team they all are!

Running Club take on the Dallam Cross Country

A wonderfully bright, sunny and extremely cold afternoon this week was our reward for weeks of running club training, as our children took on the challenge of the Dallam cross country course at Heversham alongside many other local schools.

Our runners remembered to perfection everything we had trained for, with stamina and determination shining through as everyone thoroughly excelled, giving their all and bursting through all expectations! It was an event that could not have been more enjoyable for everyone there, including so many family supporters (thank you for that!)

Whilst a third of our children made the podium, the best thrill for us all was that every single runner performed to their full potential, and all were as totally delighted with their success as their proud adult training companions were!

We cannot wait for our next competitive challenge in the new year whilst enjoying our weekly Friday running sessions in the meantime, no better way to end the week!

Elleray Orienteering 2022

Getting out of bed this morning, Mr Dean shuddered at the thought of spending all day outside. The rain was beating against the windows as the wind howled down the street. Miraculously though, by the time Class 4 arrived at Windermere School there was nothing but blue sky!

Today we took part in the Windermere School Open Orienteering event! Tooled up with maps, punch-cards and dibbers we raced off into the forest on the hunt for the elusive red and white control squares. A huge well done to all Class 4 students who took part – excellent behaviour, sportsmanship and effort when slogging through the muddy fields. You worked as a team, kept each other safe and gave all of your effort to doing your best.

Thanks also to Mr Reedy and all the team from Windermere school for organising the day!


Challenge Climb!

Class 3 have enjoyed the most amazing experience at Kendal Climbing Wall today, despite mixed feelings of nerves and excitement this morning!  Bouldering, Clip and Climb, Crazy Climb and SkyDive tested our resilience and determination to new limits but everyone overcame all fears and exceeded their own expectations.

For some, it was an introduction to a new sport whilst for others an opportunity to develop skills further with the support of our three amazing instructors: Ben, Jamie and Greg.

As well as climbing, we learnt how to trust one another; we developed our communication skills; and we encouraged everyone to do their best whilst celebrating our achievement.