
Experience Easter 2021

This year, our new outdoor classroom area was the main focus for Experience Easter. Each day this week, classes have taken time to reflect on different stages of the Easter story – The Garden of Gethsemane, Caiaphas’s Courtyard, Golgotha and the Garden Tomb. We finished with planting seeds and colouring butterflies as signs of new life. Thank you to Pam Martin for providing all the content and to Miss Butler and Mrs Haslam for preparing us in school and creating our visual scene settings each morning. St John’s Church is hosting a similar event in the church grounds this week and have extended an open invite all members of the community to Experience Easter for themselves.

Happy Easter everyone!

Eggstraordinary Eggs and Hats!

Lots of our pupils have risen to the challenge again this week with some incredibly inventive, original and carefully crafted creations.  Thank you to everyone who took part!

Red Nose Day Fun

Red Nose Day wasn’t quite like in other years but we all entered into the spirit of raising money for this very good cause. We started the day with our Celebration Assembly finding out how our money makes a big difference to many children and adults in the UK and across the world.

The children really impressed us with their creativity and originality with amazing Red Nose Day bandanas, masks, headbands or eye patches. School Councillors had the very tricky job of judging the competition. There were wonderful examples of reusing old red noses and other materials you already had at home rather than new plastic that would just be thrown away after one use. Thank you to all who made such super efforts to take part in a more environmentally friendly way and thank you for helping to raise £70 for those who aren’t as fortunate as ourselves.



Digestion in all its glory!

Skiddaw class have been learning all about food digestion in all its glory. See us here, following the path our food takes through our bodies using biscuits, water, orange juice and tights! We’ve been learning all the scientific words like oesophagus and intestines and we are now experts in how our amazing bodies use the nutrients in our food to give us energy. Lots of great facial expressions here…

Feeling Good in Skiddaw

Wow, Skiddaw class have been settling back into school by reading and sharing two wonderful but very different stories – The Secret Sky Garden by Linda Sarah and The Promise by Nicola Davies. In these very different tales, the characters both turn to being outside, nature, music, friendship and colour to help them feel good. We’ve followed their lead and have been doing the same!

The children told me today the highlights of their first week back have included…

  • painting colourful kite pictures
  • playing with friends
  • playing games of tig together and running a mile or more
  • playing musical cup games and drumming
  • reading chapters of our class story – The Ickabog
  • using our amazing imaginations in drama to create believable back stories for characters and
  • planting seeds and putting up our new bird feeder

See some snapshots here of our week.

World Book Day Story Time

Welcome to our Levens Story Time blog! World Book Day is on Thursday this week and so to celebrate all things books staff have recorded special story time videos, introducing you to a wide range of different favourite books, for you to sit back and enjoy. I’ll be adding more each day this week, so click on these blue links below to see us…




Mrs Farraday read Pass the Jam Jim by Kaye Umansky and Margaret Chamberlain


Mrs Haslam reads Sugarlump and the Unicorn by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks

Mr Dean reads an extract from Danny Champion of the World by Roald Dahl


Miss Eastham reads The Ugly Five by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler


Mrs Mackereth reads Dogger by Shirley Hughes

Mrs Wadey reads The Kite by Arnold Lobel


Mrs Farraday reads an extract from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C S Lewis

Mrs Coker reads Bad Cat! by Nicola O’Byrne


Skiddaw’s Science

Skiddaw class have been busy with their science topic all about animals this half term. They have made bird feeders and water trays from recycled materials getting ready to take part in the Big Garden Bird Watch. Pupils showed lots of patience and perseverance, it isn’t easy to keep going if you see very little but special praise to those who stuck at it! Highlights included seeing a mouse and a sparrow hawk including lots of jackdaws, dunnocks and long tailed tits.

We have continued our work learning about food chains. These all start with a producer plant that gets its energy from the sun. Here is a selection of our super science photos. Not all work is easy to show in a photo as some has been done on online games about the woodland but I know many pupils have enjoyed the range of different tasks. Well done to everyone for their continued effort and achievement in this topic. Let’s hope the birds continue to visit your feeding and watering stations over the next few months too.


Running Challenge Enthusiasm!


Little did we realise in setting this challenge that everyone would rise to the task in so many different and exciting ways!

Here we see, night running, a yoga pause, obstacle courses, garden trails, bright and colourful dads giving it a go, family pets getting in on the act and of course Mr Dean in his hat who we cannot believe was running fast enough as he looks so cold!

It has cheered us up no end to see how you have coped with the cold and rain this week, We know you will all be feeling great about doing it and we are so pleased to be doing this together.

Medals are on order, looks like they will be well deserved, so keep up the pace and keep sending your pictures so that we can share, enjoy and laugh together.

Take Care and keep running!!

Making Shortbread

Skiddaw rounded off the term as they began with their favourite activity … cooking! Here we are measuring all our own ingredients carefully and following our shortbread recipes. Every pupil enjoyed eating their biscuit too – delicious! We thought it would be lovely to take some shortbread biscuits to those people in the village that we have been sorry not to see this term. Year 4 delivered the carefully sealed packages to let them know we have been missing them and to wish them a very Happy Christmas! It has been lovely to read the thank you messages from grateful recipients.   

Thank you very much to Mrs Mason for being head chef, organising all the ingredients and equipment, and for keeping such a close eye on the timer so that all the biscuits came out perfectly cooked – not an easy task with our oven! What a splendid way to finish a busy term.


Skara Brae and Stonehenge

We are learning about the New Stone Age or Neolithic this week in history. Here we are creating models of amazingly in tact Stone Age constructions that we can still see today, perhaps nearly 5000 years after they were built!

Year 3 and 2 were learning about the world famous Skara Brae on the Orkney Islands. It was only discovered in 1850 and is a small village of 8 houses linked together with covered tunnels. You didn’t need to put your coat on to visit your neighbours here!

Year 4 researched Stonehenge, another very famous Neolithic construction made up of circles of stones which took hundreds of years to construct. Like us adding extensions to our houses, Neolithic people kept changing things at Stonehenge so it developed over a long time with new stones being added or the existing ones being moved.

We had a great time this morning, creating models with construction kits. The colours aren’t quite right of course but by using our imagination we made furniture and stones that Neolithic people might have recognised!

Here we are…