Dance with Ashley

Class 3 have been working really hard with our expert dance teacher, Ashley who has come from the Brewery Dance Team on Friday afternoons. We have been using the Romans as our inspiration for our piece. This involves individual elements, paired work and group parts too and we have developed our own sections and learnt sections as a whole class too ready to perform to Class 4 this next Friday. Thank you to Ashley for teaching us and providing some expert training for Mrs Wadey and Mrs Craggs too.

Here we are in action…

Brilliant Balances

As the weather gets colder and rainier, Class 4 have moved into their P.E. unit on gymnastics. We’ve been looking at a range of balances and poses, utilizing different muscle groups to perform them with stability and control. Most recently, we’ve been working on balances with a partner – take a look at some of them below!

Travelling and balancing

The blustery wet weather didn’t spoil our PE fun this week! We had the opportunity to get out the large apparatus in the hall and explored different ways of travelling and balancing. We were trying to perfect our positions and apply what we have learnt in gymnastics so far, like pointing our toes, holding our balances steady even when we were upside down and finding interesting ways to move around.

Take a look here…