Running Club take on the Dallam Cross Country

A wonderfully bright, sunny and extremely cold afternoon this week was our reward for weeks of running club training, as our children took on the challenge of the Dallam cross country course at Heversham alongside many other local schools.

Our runners remembered to perfection everything we had trained for, with stamina and determination shining through as everyone thoroughly excelled, giving their all and bursting through all expectations! It was an event that could not have been more enjoyable for everyone there, including so many family supporters (thank you for that!)

Whilst a third of our children made the podium, the best thrill for us all was that every single runner performed to their full potential, and all were as totally delighted with their success as their proud adult training companions were!

We cannot wait for our next competitive challenge in the new year whilst enjoying our weekly Friday running sessions in the meantime, no better way to end the week!

Elleray Orienteering 2022

Getting out of bed this morning, Mr Dean shuddered at the thought of spending all day outside. The rain was beating against the windows as the wind howled down the street. Miraculously though, by the time Class 4 arrived at Windermere School there was nothing but blue sky!

Today we took part in the Windermere School Open Orienteering event! Tooled up with maps, punch-cards and dibbers we raced off into the forest on the hunt for the elusive red and white control squares. A huge well done to all Class 4 students who took part – excellent behaviour, sportsmanship and effort when slogging through the muddy fields. You worked as a team, kept each other safe and gave all of your effort to doing your best.

Thanks also to Mr Reedy and all the team from Windermere school for organising the day!


Challenge Climb!

Class 3 have enjoyed the most amazing experience at Kendal Climbing Wall today, despite mixed feelings of nerves and excitement this morning!  Bouldering, Clip and Climb, Crazy Climb and SkyDive tested our resilience and determination to new limits but everyone overcame all fears and exceeded their own expectations.

For some, it was an introduction to a new sport whilst for others an opportunity to develop skills further with the support of our three amazing instructors: Ben, Jamie and Greg.

As well as climbing, we learnt how to trust one another; we developed our communication skills; and we encouraged everyone to do their best whilst celebrating our achievement.

A Collaborative Classroom

It has been lovely to welcome Class 4 back to Levens! This term, much of our curriculum has a focus on collaboration and working together. It’s the theme for our SCARF unit of work, the purpose of our PE lessons and even comes up in Computing as we explore how computers connect and work together.

To kick us off, we have completed two teamwork challenges and thought about how well we worked as a team and how what sorts of things make working in a team more effective and more fun.

Super Sporting Morning

What a fantastic morning we had on Thursday! Our sport’s day this year started with a race for nursery and their teddies. Then the rest of school were split into four teams to complete a carousel of activities, for which they could win points for their team. During the second half of the morning, the children participated in more traditional events such as balancing races and running. Throughout the whole event, they supported and encouraged their team mates wonderfully. The morning concluded with the always entertaing Year 6 novelty race, adult races and not forgetting particiption from the youngest members of the audience in their race. It was a brilliant morning full of fun and exercise, made even better by the support and encouragement of parents, friends and the Levens community.

Outdoor swimming in Lake Windermere

Fabulous day wild water swimming at Fellfoot for years 5 + 6 with Waterwise!

The day started with lessons about how to stay safe if you are swimming in any of our local lakes this summer.

There are lots of rules that are part of the code for outdoor swimming including: wearing a bright-coloured swim hat so that you can be easily spotted by boats, paddle boards etc; attaching a toe float as a buoyancy aid and another way of making you distinct whilst swimming; not going into the water to help someone else, but raising the alarm to attract attention and to get support; only swimming in the summer months when the water is not dangerously cold.

We were soon in the water putting some of this learning into practice and splashing around.  We had relay races to retrieve rubber ducks before getting on with some serious swimming and finally the opportunity to jump off the jetty for those brave enough!

Once we were dry and dressed, it was off for a lovely picnic in the grounds of the park and some fun exploring the playground and beautiful environment by the shores of Lake Windermere…

Class 2 at YMCA

Class 2 had such a fantastic day at YMCA! The children challenged themselves both physically and mentally. They worked co-operatively to problem solve and succeed. The support and encouragement they gave to each other was amazing to see. They also helped Miss Robinson to step out of her comfort zone and experience the blue tubes! Well done Class 2!

Reception have a ‘splashing’ time at YMCA!

What an incredible day we have had at Lakeside today! We started on the blue tube slides, really challenging ourselves through a maze of tunnels and slides. Even Mrs Haslam enjoyed it! Next we got togged up in buoyancy aids and helped to carry our boats onto the lake, having a ‘splashing’ time in the water which included a makeshift slide. Everyone was ready for lunch after a busy morning.  We then had a lovely time in the sunshine enjoying our natural surroundings, playing hide and seek and finding interesting natural objects. Ring games finished off our afternoon perfectly before heading home where some of us caught up on 40 winks! A wonderful day was had by all!


The Best of Days at YMCA

Class 3 have just returned from an AMAZING day at YMCA – what a way to begin our half term. There were many notable personal triumphs today with children showing resilience, huge courage and a willingness to try something new.  Their support for each other was also very strong so that everyone had a day filled with good memories.

With the weather on our side, we enjoyed a giant obstacle course which ended in a very muddy boggy area which we had to literally walk the planks over. We learned to fire arrows with a bow – not something that is easy by any means. We also sailed out into the middle of Windermere in one large boat, working together to propel it along, singing at the tops of our voices and playing all sorts of fun games. The instructors Amber and Andrew were wonderful and they really enjoyed their day with such keen, eager and polite pupils who were a credit to Levens School! A big thank you to all who helped us raise the funds for these special YMCA days through our marathon challenge last year – this was a very worthwhile and wonderful experience.