
Finding Equivalents

Class 4 have been consolidating their knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages!

Using a range of activities, games and tasks we have been learning how to find how an amount can be written in more than three different ways!  There are always many ways to write equivalent fractions; but now we can also now find the corresponding percentage and decimal.

Puzzling Perimeter

Y4 have been puzzling over how long the sides of a rectangle could be if the perimeter was 20cm. They worked systematically to make sure they had all the possible solutions, It was easier with a system too!

They then used their system to work out if it had a perimeter of 40cm.

Super systematic solving!

So much Maths!

Last week we were super busy in our Maths lessons. Year One were using different representations to help deepen their understanding of addition including number bonds. Year Two were using mathematical vocabulary and symbols to compare numbers and number sentences.

In addition to our daily Maths lessons we also started our new Mastering Number lessons. These are three to four short lessons per week that focus on strengthening our understanding of number and improve our fluency with number facts.

Roman Numbers

We have been exploring Roman numbers this week. We know that I=1, V=5, X=10, L=50 and C=100. Romans didn’t have a zero!

We’ve enjoyed using our colourful wooden sticks to make some numbers up to 10 and then to 100 and had many different ideas about how some numbers can be made. We explained our thinking to each other and impressed our friends with lots of problem solving and mental calculations going on!

Here we are with a few of the numbers…

Times Tables Rock Stars!

After Mr Dean and Class 4 demonstrated Times Table Rock Stars in Celebration Assembly last week, Class 3 have been super keen to get going themselves. This week everyone has been hard at work speedily beating their times and sharpening up their quick recall with great enthusiasm. Keep up the good work and next week we’ll be exploring the shop to spend your well earned gold coins!

Here are some of the class hard at work.

Storytelling and place value

We’ve made a super start to the new term in Class 3. We have had great fun learning to tell the story of “Why dog is friends with man” inspired by a local storyteller Taffy Thomas. If you’d like to hear the tale, do ask anyone in Class 3 and they’ll spend a happy 5 minutes with added actions and sound effects to entertain you!

We have also been working hard on representing numbers in different ways. Year 4 have proudly worked out lots of representations of 4 digit numbers here from a range of images.

3D Symmetry

We have been having fun creating 3D symmetrical creations. We worked in small teams to use any bits and pieces from our classroom to create patterns and models that had one or two lines of symmetry. We looked carefully at as many of the details as we could – writing and patterns on things made it really tricky but we made it as symmetrical as we could!



Year 6 Learning about Circles

Year 6 have been learning the vocabulary for different parts of a circle including: circumference, diameter, chord, radius, sector and arc.

We also learnt that you can calculate the radius of a circle if you know its diameter as the radius is exactly half the length of the diameter.  Of course, you can also find the diameter of a circle if you know the radius!

We enjoyed being in the outdoors to find the diameter and radius of circles during our lesson.