

Class 2 have been learning lots about 2D and 3D shape over the past couple of weeks.

Maths, maths and more maths!

We have been learning to count forwards and backwards from 1-100 over the past couple of weeks. We have also been learning the value of tens and ones of each number using lots of different practical materials to help us!

Here are some pictures of us playing games and learning our numbers to 100.

Maths using chocolate!

Class Three started their multiplication and division topic by looking at arrays. We looked at egg boxes and baking trays and then moved on to chocolate! The children drew the array they could see, identified the rows and columns in each array and then recorded the multiplication and division facts. We has a fantastic time while learning all about arrays.

Brilliant Bonds!

This week we have been learning our number bonds to 10 and 20! Here are some pictures of us playing some games we enjoyed.

We also liked to play hit the button:



Maths in Class 2

Class 2 have enjoyed starting their first maths topic of the year covering place value. We have looked at different numbers and what they are made up of. We have also done lots of counting forwards and backwards!

Multiplication and Division!

Class 2 have enjoyed learning how to times and divide different numbers over the past few weeks!

Class 2 Shapes!

We have started the Spring term off with learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Here are some pictures of us doing some exciting learning!

Addition in class 2!

We have been working really hard using our addition skills over the past few weeks in class 2!

Marvellous Maths in Class 2 !

During the past few weeks we have been learning all about place value in Math’s!  This has included finding one more and one less, comparing numbers and understanding the concept of how many tens and ones numbers have and partitioning them in different ways. Here are some pictures of us doing some of the activities!

Making Sequences in Reception

In Class 1, we have been learning about sequences in our maths this week.

We have been able to identify different sequences modelled by the adults in Bowfell using a range of different materials.  We can describe the rule for these sequences; continue the patterns; spot mistakes and correct them by adding or removing pieces.

Today we used materials from our loose parts area to create and describe our own sequences, but can you describe our rules?