
Electric posters.

Class Three were set the challenge of producing an information poster for a museum to educate the public about an aspect of Roman life. The children researched their chosen topic, produced draft designs then refined their final design. They used corrugated card to strengthen their poster and also added an electrical circuit to include a bulb on their final electric poster. I think you will agree they look fantastic as well as providing valuable information.

Hill Fort Homework.

Class Three have just completed their Stone Age to Iron Age topic. We really enjoyed learning about Iron Age hill forts and their defensive features and learning about round houses. The children were set the challenge of designing a hill fort using any method they wanted to, the more creative the better. Here are a selection of our hill forts and round houses. I think you will agree they are amazing!


Splendid stone circles!

Class 3 had a fabulous afternoon using our knowledge of stone circles to build our own Stonehenge from biscuits. We looked at the structure and layout of Stonehenge and used this as a guide for our models. We learnt lots of interesting facts about the stones and completed a fact card to accompany our models. As well as enhancing our knowledge there was lots of problem solving and teamwork displayed.

The Great Fire of London Workshop

On Monday Class 2 enjoyed their imagining history workshop! They went back in time to 1666 and visited Pudding Lane when a Bakery set on fire! They met James the Duke of York and Thomas Farriner and his family. The children enjoyed acting out different parts of the Great Fire of London.

Stone Age hunter gatherers.

We learnt all about food in the Stone Age food today by going hunter gathering!  The children had a great time hunting for food and animal information in the community garden. We then learnt what foods were eaten and in what seasons. The children also learnt about changes throughout the Stone Age.

Keswick Museum and Castlerigg Stone Circle

Class Three had a wonderful day visiting Keswick Museum and Castlerigg Stone Circle. The children loved seeing the stone circle and could recall facts they had learnt during our art topic. We constructed a timeline at the museum identifying key events in history. We then split into groups and all had chance to hold Stone Age axe heads found in a cave on the Pike of Stickle. We were also archaeologists and carried out a dig, we then interpreted the finds to identify the period of history these were from. We also looked at Stone Age artefacts in the museum and had the opportunity to look at the other exhibits. The children really enjoyed the day and had chance to use and extend their knowledge.


Lancashire Police & Crime Museum

As the school year draws to a close, Class 4 have managed to sneak one final trip in! This time, the Lancashire Police and Crime Museum. This outing was not just a break from routine but a fitting conclusion to our in-depth exploration of crime and punishment throughout history. The museum visit provided a tangible connection to our studies, making the concepts we had discussed in the classroom come alive.

Set in the former prison of Lancaster Castle, the building itself, steeped in history, set the tone for the day. Walking through its doors felt like stepping back in time, as we were greeted by exhibits showcasing the evolution of crime and law enforcement since the establishment of the Lancashire Constabulary. The museum’s extensive collection included everything from Victorian truncheons to more modern policing equipment, giving us a comprehensive view of how crime, punishment and policing have evolved.

A particularly engaging aspect of the museum was its focus on local developments in policing and crime. The museum highlighted significant events and figures in Lancashire’s law enforcement history: we explored exhibits detailing the region’s notorious criminals and landmark cases from the local area.

And of course, we loved dressing up in some police equipment ourselves!

A Trip to Ancient Egypt

To conclude our topic on the Ancient Egyptians, Class 4 have used ★the power of imagination★ to travel thousands of years back in time to the Ancient Egyptian Empire. Over the course of the morning, our two expert guides Laura and Adrian helped us to act our way through over three thousand years of history.

We started with the first Pharaoh of a unified Egypt, Narmer…

A student imitating the Pharoah Narmer.

…heard about who built the Great Pyramid of Giza…

A student pretending to be a pyramid.

…were menaced by the Khopesh sword…

A student holding a khopesh sword in the air.

And watched the death of the Pharaoh Cleopatra…

Students acting out the death pf the pharaoh Cleopatra.

Thanks to Imagining History for coming in and sharing the story of Ancient Egypt in such a unique, informative and memorable way!

Anglo-Saxon and Viking workshop

Class Three had an absolutely amazing day in the Footprint Centre and Saint Catherine’s Wood learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. The day started with a history lesson, we learnt all about the struggle for power and the Viking invasions and Anglo-Saxon kings and kingdoms. We learnt all about longships, this helped us when building our own models. We made our own Anglo-Saxon inspired coins, made our own quills and ink and learnt to write in runes and also how to weave cloth. The highlight of the day was battle drills. The children practised formations and reenacted a battle, I certainly wouldn’t like to meet them on the battlefield!  A huge thank you to ‘Woodmatters’ for a wonderful experience.


Anglo-Saxon helmets!

As part of our Anglo-Saxon and Vikings topic we looked at the Sutton Hoo helmet. We used this as inspiration for our own art work, experimenting with making 3D masks. We then designed our own mask and finally made them, finishing them in gold and silver. They look brilliant!