
Fabulous fieldwork!

The sun was shining for Class Three’s trip to Bowness-on-Windermere. The children had a fantastic day carrying out practical fieldwork and gathering their own data on tourism. This included pedestrian and car counts at different locations in Bowness-on-Windermere. Mapping land use and producing a detailed field sketch. The children also interviewed some visitors to discover why they were visiting the Lake District. The children worked incredibly hard and are now going to use their data to draw some conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism.

Reception visit Martin Mere!

We experienced a wonderful, action packed day on Wednesday, when we visited Martin Mere Wetland Centre in Lancashire. This supported our learning from the autumn term about migration and Chris, our guide for the day, taught us all about the migration of swans to the UK. We were able to see the swans up close during feeding time and even learned a flamingo dance! The highlight of our day however was a visit to see the otters!


Where in the world?

A huge thank you to everyone who sent a postcard to school over the summer. We now have a wonderful display showing a variety of places visited in the UK and the wider world. If you are going away over half term please send a postcard so we can add more destinations.





River basins!

Today, Class 3 continued their rivers topic by learning key terms and their definitions. We made our own river basins and used technical terms such as watershed, river channel, confluence, tributary, source and mouth. We will be moving onto looking at the River Kent next lesson and looking at its course using the OS maps.


We have loved learning about rainforests this half term. We have looked at the climate and location, layers, animals and their importance and the threats they are facing. We have written some fantastic persuasive letter to Mr Sunak to convince him that he needs to act to stop deforestation.  We have also created our own rainforests in shoeboxes. They are all fabulous!



Amazing Amazon Art!

As part of our rainforest topic, we have been looking at the work of Henri Rousseau. We started the topic with a fantastic art session with Bob Sutcliffe, looking at the leaves in the paintings. We then moved on to look at colour mixing using watercolours and pastels. Next, we looked at the animals found in rainforests and drew some of these in our sketchbooks. Finally, we combined all our skills and produced our own rainforest picture. Fabulous work all round!


Investigating place names

Today, Class Three continued their history topic on the Anglo-Saxons and Scots. The children had great fun looking at the meaning of place names and their origins and used the atlases to find Anglo-Saxon place names. We looked at the meaning of these place names and them plotted them onto a blank map. Why not ask your child if they can name any of these!

Village Walk

This week Class 2 have been for a walk around the village using our map and compass skills that we have learnt this term. We also looked at the different human and physical features that are in Leven’s.

Class Three visit Vindolanda

The sun was shining once again as Class Three set off to Vindolanda and the Roman Army Museum. The children had an amazing time exploring the remains of the fort and town at Vindolanda, walking in the steps of the Romans. Our geography map reading skills were put to good use as we went on a hunt to work out the missing words, whilst also learning about the buildings and their use. We learnt all about the work of the archaeologists with our very own expert! We then looked at all the discoveries in the Vindolanda museum and thought carefully about what each discovery told us about the Romans. We then moved onto the Roman Army Museum and learnt about the different types of soldiers and life on Hadrian’s Wall. We finished the day by looking at the location of the Magna Fort and discussing the future archaeological dig on this site. A wonderful time was had by all and we will be using our new found knowledge to good use in the classroom.