
Storytelling and place value

We’ve made a super start to the new term in Class 3. We have had great fun learning to tell the story of “Why dog is friends with man” inspired by a local storyteller Taffy Thomas. If you’d like to hear the tale, do ask anyone in Class 3 and they’ll spend a happy 5 minutes with added actions and sound effects to entertain you!

We have also been working hard on representing numbers in different ways. Year 4 have proudly worked out lots of representations of 4 digit numbers here from a range of images.

Welcome from Class 2

Class 2 have been busy creating speech bubbles and shields to share information about themselves. We are proud of the display we have created.

Persuasive Writing in Years 5+6

Pupils in Scafell have been undertaking a unit of work on persuasive writing which is linked to our current science topic on health and the human body.

We began with an apprentice-like challenge where we had to create a new toothpaste, develop the name of the product and the branding.  This involved some research on current toothpaste brands and their marketing techniques.

Once ideas about new products had been developed, we enjoyed some market research tasks to find out how our peers viewed our designs.  We then set about developing a poster campaign and radio advertisements to market our exciting, new products.

Our final piece of writing in this unit of work, is a more formal online magazine article informing young people about the detrimental impact of smoking on the human body and persuading the reader that it is never a good idea to smoke.

Which advert catches your eye?   Which toothpaste would you buy?

World Book Day Characters

Lots of the staff in school have been dressing up this week as part of our World Book Day celebrations.  Can you work out who we are?

Let us know who you think we are when you return to school on Monday and don’t forget to send us your photographs for our display in the hall too!

World Book Day Story Time

Welcome to our Levens Story Time blog! World Book Day is on Thursday this week and so to celebrate all things books staff have recorded special story time videos, introducing you to a wide range of different favourite books, for you to sit back and enjoy. I’ll be adding more each day this week, so click on these blue links below to see us…




Mrs Farraday read Pass the Jam Jim by Kaye Umansky and Margaret Chamberlain


Mrs Haslam reads Sugarlump and the Unicorn by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks

Mr Dean reads an extract from Danny Champion of the World by Roald Dahl


Miss Eastham reads The Ugly Five by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler


Mrs Mackereth reads Dogger by Shirley Hughes

Mrs Wadey reads The Kite by Arnold Lobel


Mrs Farraday reads an extract from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C S Lewis

Mrs Coker reads Bad Cat! by Nicola O’Byrne


Super suffixes

Year 3 and 4 are learning to spell words with different suffixes. They had to decide between a range of different rules that we now know.

“Knock off the e and add our ending.”

“Look for one vowel, look for one consonant, double the consonant and add our ending.”

“Change the y to i and add our ending.”


“Just add our ending!”

It takes a careful look at the root word and a final check if it LOOKS right before deciding what it should be!

We had an interesting discussion on why bad+er or bad+est don’t really sound right too. Super spelling work everyone and gorgeous handwriting too.


National Nursery Rhyme Week

Nursery have enjoyed taking part in National Nursery Rhyme Week this week, they have explored a different rhyme each day and enjoyed taking part in some lovely follow-up activities related to each one. Can you guess which ones we learnt?