
World Book Day Fun!

We all had a fabulous time on World Book Day and one of the highlights was guessing the words the adults and children had dressed up as. There were some amazing costumes. Class One dressed up as CVC words and saw lots of animals in the classroom including cats, dogs, a bat and a cow! Class Two dressed up as adjectives and Class Three as a noun. Class Four came dressed as a word from their spelling list. These creations included foreign, cemetery and bargain. Thank you all for your effort and creativity.

Class One designed their own bookmarks and book covers. They thought about who reads and why. They decided that everyone can read and said, ‘We read to have fun.’ When they were asked how reading makes you feel they said calm, happy, not lonely and like you have lots of friends.

Class Two enjoyed a quiz and word search and also designed their own characters.

Class Three had great fun listening to MC Grammar’s World Book Day rap and identifying the songs and book characters mentioned and thought about their favourite places to read, characters and quotes.

Class Four produced reading maps showing their favourite places to read. Following this, the children designed their perfect reading location.

Art in Class 2!

Bob has been doing some wonderful art with Class 2. They are learning about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and relating this to our English topic of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Courageous advocacy in Class Three.

Class Three were very passionate about trying to make a difference to deforestation of the rainforests. We decided to write persuasive letters to the Prime Minister to try to influence political decisions. We were very excited to receive a reply from Downing Street detailing how there are trying to tackle to issue and thanking us for our interest in political issues.


World Book Day!

We enjoyed World Book Day with a bit of a difference this year! Children and staff were challenged to come to school with ‘character- themed’ hair for the day! This included hats, face paints, hair accessories and wigs. The assembly for the day also followed this theme with a quiz to guess the famous book character from a small, cropped image of their head! At break time all children were able to choose a book from our book swap, organised and run by our wonderful school council. Thank you to all those who donated books to swap and we hope you are enjoying having something new to read!

Peter Rabbit!

We have started our new English topic off by finding a huge mess in the garden! We went to investigate what had happened….

We found some things in the garden! Can you spot them?

We then had to ask questions  to this unknown visitor too find out who it might have been. We received a letter back and it was off PETER RABBIT!


Dear Newsround…

CBBC Newsround is a favourite in Class 4! We think it’s really important to hear about the important news stories happening in the world, and the discussions that we have about them are always lively and enlightening. As our Christian value of this term is Thankfulness, we thought we would show our thanks (and practise some letter-writing!) by sending our favourite presenters some fan mail. We thought very carefully about who to choose, why we valued watching the program and what it was about each presenter that inspired us.

Today, a very exciting envelope arrived in school – a reply! The Newsround team have written back to us and thanked us for our letters. We even got an autographed photo of our favourite presenter to keep – another autograph for the ever-growing collection! Well done Class 4 for your amazing letters!


We have started the term off learning about Superworm! We have learnt all about rhyming words and acting the story out to the class. We have created our own wormery and made our own instructions for this!

Collaborative Writing

We’ve been trying something new in Class 4 this week. Making use of the collaborative features in Microsoft Word, the entire class has come together to re-write a story inspired by our class novel: “Trash” by Andy Mulligan. Some of us were assigned as writers, others as proof-readers and others as editors. The result was amazing (and a little chaotic) as our story came to life at breakneck speed. Words were appearing from all over the classroom as people wrote, edited and corrected as a whole. Below is the story we ended up with, in full, for you to enjoy at home!

I jumped off the train before it reached the platform. You don’t want to get caught by the station guards so we needed to get off as soon as soon we could. The train must have been moving faster than I thought; as soon as I hit the ground I fell over and rolled in the grass. Gardo almost ran over me! I scrambled to my feet as quickly as I could and noticed some station boys, who looked pretty mean, standing at the far end of the platform.

 When I first saw them, they looked all tough; the kind of boys that would fight a guard but that wouldn’t end well. In the corner of my eye, I saw Rat hand over a 20, then 50, then another 20. I didn’t know how long we had to get the thing in the locker, I hoped it would be at least 15 minutes, or more. It looked like Gardo was getting ready to fight, as he was gripping onto his sharp hook. Rat turned around, steadily walked towards us and started talking to us. He said we had five minutes to get the thing in the locker, and we had to be quick!    

As I was walking through the crowed station, I felt Gardo gripping my wrist extremely hard! Rat was picking up a pace and was giving us a signal. I didn’t know what it meant but Gardo certainly did. I think it meant down here. Then Rat sneaked down some bendy stairs and we were in a grey small room. The pipes were wiggly and I saw Gardo looking around anxiously. Then Rat went round a corner for a while. Then I saw Rat reappear. 

Rat was quick to open the locker and to get the mysterious thing in the black door which we did not recognise. We wanted to find out that’s for sure. Rat turned to see if anyone was looking, without thinking he grabbed the black “mystery thing” and ran. I asked, 

“What were you thinking?! You could have got us caught!” The surprising thing was he just ignored me. Then I started to get angry, I thought if it wasn’t for me we wouldn’t have got the bag! He just ignored me, again.  

Sprinting through the station, Gardo was watching around like a CCTV camera making sure Raphael was safe. There were no cops in this area with this mystery item in this bag in Rats clothes.  Suddenly, lots of cops were covering the crowded station but that didn’t stop Rat slithering through the crowd. They didn’t get caught so they ran home. 

World Book Day 2023

We had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day 2023. This year, our challenge was to create a story sack of clues about a favourite book or character from a story. We had some brilliant book choices, with some being quite tricky to guess! We also enjoyed taking part in lots of lovely activities; writing book reviews, designing and making bookmarks, a pre-loved book sale after school organised by FOLS and World Book Day yoga in Class One. Class teachers also shared their own story sacks and read to different classes throughout the day.

Amazing Authors- Anthony Browne

Class Three have loved looking at the books of Anthony Browne. We started the topic looking at the book ‘Gorilla’. The children thought about how the characters were feeling using inference.  They moved onto to researching facts about gorillas and produced some amazing non-fiction reports, organising the facts under sub-headings. We then moved onto ‘The Tunnel’. The children made predictions about what would be at the end of the tunnel. We also considered the actions of the characters and carried out a conscience alley. The children gave the character advice and guidance. We followed this with the children producing decision wheels, these gave advantages and disadvantages of suggested next steps for the character Rose. The children then focused on diary writing and wrote an entry for Jack and Rose. We finally looked at ‘Voices in the Park’. The children loved the idea of writing about the same event from different views. To finish this topic, we wrote our own versions of the story  and called them ‘Voices in the playground’. We can’t wait for you to read them!