Design and Technology

Success at the First LEGO League Competition!

Our talented Year 5 and 6 students recently took part in the First LEGO League competition, representing our school with teamwork, creativity, and perseverance. As part of our LEGO club, they worked together to design, build, and program an autonomous robot to take on a series of exciting challenges in the Robot Game.

Beyond robotics, the children also developed an Innovation Project, exploring new ways to investigate the deep sea. Their hard work and research led to an impressive pitch presented to a panel of experts, where they showcased their ideas with confidence and enthusiasm.

Throughout the competition, the team was expected to demonstrate the core values of the First LEGO League: inclusion, discovery, teamwork, innovation, impact, and fun. While the Robot Game proved tricky at first, our students showed incredible resilience, adapting their strategies and improving their robot’s performance throughout the day.

Their dedication and teamwork were truly outstanding—and it paid off! By the end of the competition, the children were awarded a trophy for Best Core Values Team, a fantastic achievement that reflects their hard work and collaboration.

We are so proud of our students for their enthusiasm, problem-solving skills, and determination. Well done to all involved!

Electric posters.

Class Three were set the challenge of producing an information poster for a museum to educate the public about an aspect of Roman life. The children researched their chosen topic, produced draft designs then refined their final design. They used corrugated card to strengthen their poster and also added an electrical circuit to include a bulb on their final electric poster. I think you will agree they look fantastic as well as providing valuable information.

Splendid Sewing!

Design and Technology is always a favourite in Class Three and the cushion topic did not disappoint. The children used their existing sewing skills demonstrating excellent running stitch sewing and also learnt how to cross stitch to add decoration to their pin cushions. They produced some amazing pin cushions but also helped each other showing true kindness, patience and team work. I think you will agree their pin cushions are fantastic and the smiles say it all!



Fruit Salads

Our DT topic this half term was to make our own fruit salad. We had a variety of fruits to choose from. We learnt the different chopping techniques.


Pneumatic toys

Class 3 have had a fantastic start to the school year and have been busy learning all about pneumatics. The challenge was to make a pneumatic toy! We explored pneumatics using syringes and balloons and then utilised this knowledge in our own designs. The children learnt about thumbnail sketches and exploded diagrams. We followed our exploded diagram designs when making our final product. I think you will agree they have done an amazing job!

Our New Mobile Kitchen arrives!

Thanks to all twelve children who took part in the ‘Swimathon’ at Kendal Leisure Centre earlier this year, we have a new mobile cooking station that has just arrived in school.  As part of our Celebration Assembly on Friday morning, the children were given the honour of unwrapping our special delivery.

The group raised over £1500 collectively to purchase this fantastic resource for curriculum food technology, but it will first be put to good use by the twelve swimmers to make cakes and cookies for our summer fair later this term.

Amazing Art work!

Our Geography topic was looking at and finding out about the UKs 4 countries and their capital cities. We then decided for our art that we would create a landmark of London.


Can you guess what they are?

Car Creations!

Class Three have put their creative talents to good use once again! Our DT topic this term is slingshot cars. We started the topic by creating a chassis, next we looked at a variety of vehicles and learnt about air resistance. We used our new knowledge to design our car bodies and then constructed these by making side panels and the roof. Our design brief included making the vehicles aesthetically pleasing, reduce air resistance and be quick! I think you will agree that they all look fantastic.

We had great fun trying them out!

Brilliant Baking!

This week Class Three have been very busy learning how to make biscuits for our Design and Technology topic. The topic began with a taste test, testing biscuits already available to buy. We then learnt how to follow a recipe to make a basic biscuit, learning techniques such as creaming and the importance of sieving. Another taste test was completed! Following this we adapted the recipe and each child make their own biscuit. Again, a taste test was conducted and the results were used to design a final recipe suitable for adults at Christmas. This was out target audience. The children then made their final dough adding their chosen ingredients and designed and made their own packaging for this, considering the best materials to use to be environmentally friendly. A huge than you to Mrs Mason for helping us and passing on her baking expertise.