Class Two

So much Maths!

Last week we were super busy in our Maths lessons. Year One were using different representations to help deepen their understanding of addition including number bonds. Year Two were using mathematical vocabulary and symbols to compare numbers and number sentences.

In addition to our daily Maths lessons we also started our new Mastering Number lessons. These are three to four short lessons per week that focus on strengthening our understanding of number and improve our fluency with number facts.

The Human Body

This week in Class 2 we started our new Science Topic: Animals including Humans. We worked in teams to find clues that Miss Robinson had hidden in the playground. Then we figured out that we were naming parts of the body! We came back into the classroom and worked co-operatively to draw a human and label lots of parts of the body, using the clues we had found outside to help us.

Gerry the Gardener!

Eco team have been finding out about the Levens Greening Campaign that has just been launched in the village. This aims to encourage as many people as possible to try small ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Homes in the village have been delivered a Greening Levens Card with more details.

A village wide scarecrow festival is promoting the Greening Campaign and we wanted to be included! We are going to be having our own greening suggestions for children to achieve very soon.

Here we are with our scarecrow creation – Gerry the Gardener!


Boxes of Hope

We welcomed Mr and Mrs Docker into school to tell us all about Boxes of Hope. They showed us all sorts of wonderful things to include in the boxes and let us eagerly unpack some too. We learnt about where the boxes go to and importantly what not to put in the boxes too. We hope to have a record breaking year of filled boxes this year – a lovely half term holiday activity!

Harvest Thanks

This week, we have been celebrating and thanking God for our Harvest. We presented such a wonderful selection of delicious and nutritious food that members of our School Council collected from everyone during our service. We were entertained with the story of The Little Red Hen from Class 1 and with The Voices of Water poem by Tony Mitton from Class 3. We ended our service with special thank you prayers led by members of year 6.

Our School Council now have a special job of preparing and delivering our contributions to Kendal Food Bank where they will be distributed to those in our local area who need an extra hand in feeding their families who we know will be very grateful for our generosity. Thank you everyone.

Levens Hall in the Sunshine!

Class 2 had a wonderful time exploring the grounds and the buildings of Levens Hall as part of their local history this half term. They certainly chose the very best day weather wise to walk through the fields, seeing Mrs Mason’s cows, and crossing the tall bridges to come out near the hall. They spent some time exploring the beautiful shaped topiary trees and saw the gardeners at work on their huge crane. By the pool, Mrs Mason led relaxing mindfulness moments and the guided tour of the hall included lots of interesting facts. Our visit ended with a wonderful run around the play area. Thank you to Mrs Brown, one of our amazing Governors, for stepping in to accompany us on our visit.

On The Way Home by Jill Murphy

Miss Robinson and Class 2 have been enjoying reading and exploring the story of On The Way Home by Jill Murphy. They analysed the sequence of the text and identified letters, words and sentences and what punctuation is used. Everyone has now planned their own version of the story, ready to write next week.

Here are photos of their English working wall.

Welcome from Class 2

Class 2 have been busy creating speech bubbles and shields to share information about themselves. We are proud of the display we have created.