Class Two

Village Walk

This week Class 2 have been for a walk around the village using our map and compass skills that we have learnt this term. We also looked at the different human and physical features that are in Leven’s.

Addition in class 2!

We have been working really hard using our addition skills over the past few weeks in class 2!


We have started the term off learning about Superworm! We have learnt all about rhyming words and acting the story out to the class. We have created our own wormery and made our own instructions for this!

Computing in Class 2!

We have been learning how to log onto the computer and use the mouse and keyboard. We have had a go at typing and drawing on paint on the computer!

Healthy Wraps!

Today we have been making our own healthy wraps that included a source of protein, carbohydrate, dairy product and vegetable!

Busy Builders!

Over the past few weeks in class 2 we have had different challenges and chance to explore our construction area. We have had a wide range of things being built from multi story car parks to Levens Hall and its gardens! Here are some pictures of our creations.

Marvellous Maths in Class 2 !

During the past few weeks we have been learning all about place value in Math’s!  This has included finding one more and one less, comparing numbers and understanding the concept of how many tens and ones numbers have and partitioning them in different ways. Here are some pictures of us doing some of the activities!

Class 2 PE!

Over the past few weeks class 2 have been practicing the fundamental skills which include balancing, skipping, hopping, jumping and different rolls.

Class 2 Visit Levens Hall

Class 2 enjoyed an amazing trip to Levens Hall recently.  Thankfully, the weather was kind so we were able to start our day with an invigorating walk down to the hall through the fields.

On arrival we were greeted by our tour guides and taken on an exciting and informative walk around the house. It is an incredibly old but beautiful building just on our doorstep.  We learnt about the history of the Hall and saw many objects that were used by the families that lived there in the past – including chamber pots and bed pans!   We also enjoyed spotting a bird and a mouse hiding in each room that we visited.

The morning ended with some of us having the opportunity to dress up in the kind of outfits once worn by inhabitants of the hall.

After a healthy lunch, we spent the afternoon outdoors in the grounds.  Our activities included a sensory walk, a trip to the maze, sketching of the hall and games of follow my leader.

This has been an exciting start to our local history topic.

Amazing Archery.

Classes 2, 3 and 4 had a fantastic time learning how to shoot a bow and arrow! The children loved the sessions where they learnt how to stand, load and fire the arrow. Their aim definitely improved as the session progressed. They were so enthusiastic that some of the children will continue to develop their skills at an after school club in September.