Class Three

Class 3 visit Sizergh Castle

Another glorious day for a trip! Class 3 walked to Sizergh Castle in the sunshine. We enjoyed a picnic lunch in the garden and spent some time producing  sketches of the building and looking at the features. We thought about our work in the classroom and looked at how the castle had been added to and changed throughout history. We then enjoyed looking around inside. Finally, we visited the wild trail. A fantastic day for all of us!

YMCA Lakeside 2023!

What a fab day! The sun was shining, the water of the lake was glistening and the shade of the trees was inviting. The peace, however, was undoubtedly broken when all of Class 2, 3 and 4 arrived bright and early for a day of fabulous activities! Before long we had met our brilliant instructors and were out and about canoeing, orienteering, sliding and swinging. Managing to cram two activities in before lunch tired us out, just in time for another two activities afterwards!

A big thanks to all of the instructors at YMCA lakeside for a fantastic day. Enjoy the photos below!

The Grand Mosque Bradford

All of KS2 travelled to Bradford yesterday to learn more about the Islamic faith by visiting their very sacred place of prayer and worship.

Bilali, our guide for the day, welcomed us at the door and led us all around the inside and outside of the Mosque.  We began with the grand entrance hall with a huge glass chandelier and as we looked around, Bilali pointed out all the different symbols and features around us.  We moved on to the place for ritual washing (called wudu) before prayer, which was a huge bathroom where Muslims will cleanse by washing the face, arms and feet; before wiping the head.  We then moved on to the main prayer room where we learnt all about the weekly homework set my the Imam every Friday.  This encourages the community to do good things – either for each other or for God’s creation – linking our Christian Values with Islamic beliefs.

We learnt more about the five pillars of Islam too; about the festival of Eid and Ramadan from our expert guide and the children had many interesting and valuable questions to ask!

We even remembered to step in and out of the Mosque using the correct foot first (the right foot) which we had learnt from Mohammad at our live-linkup with him the day before our trip.

The Grand Mosque also provided us with delicious treats at lunchtime for both children and staff; and each child was presented with a gift bag containing information books, quizzes, pens, stickers and more!

Thank you to everyone at the mosque for making us so welcome and teaching us so much about faith in our communities.  We all valued our experience so very much and will certainly be back in a few years time when our current infant children move up to the juniors.


Coronation celebrations

We had a fantastic day celebrating the coronation of King Charles the Third. We learnt about the service in Westminster Abbey and watched some of the highlights. The children wore the fabulous crowns they had created and enjoyed an amazing buffet lunch. Thank you to Year Six for your hard work making the cakes and crown shortbread biscuits. It was wonderful to see the children enjoying the celebrations.

Harold visits school!

We enjoyed a wonderful visit from Harold and Steven yesterday from Coram Life Education who provide our SCARF curriculum. Each class took part in workshops ranging from exploring the brain to managing friendships. Harold made an appearance in each class too! Thank you Steven for a brilliant day!



Fantastic Fossils!

Class Three have continued to learn all about rocks and soils. We have learnt how fossils form and about the work of Mary Anning. We made our own fossils by creating a mould using plasticine then filling this with Plaster of Paris. We finished then off by painting the set plaster. Don’t they look amazing!

Mapping in Class Three

Class 3 have started their topic on mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. We have learnt all about Mount Everest and now know some amazing facts, including the dangers climbers face. We have also mapped the major mountain ranges and then practised our map reading skills when looking at the location of Scarfell Pike.