Class Three

Marvellous Music!

Class 3 enjoyed two music workshops last week enhancing our music curriculum. Cumbria Music hub provided a fantastic session using percussion instruments and we also had a wonderful singing workshop with Cumbria Opera Group. The children had an amazing time learning about the pitch and pulse of music.

Landscape painting in Class 3.

Class 3 have enjoyed looking at the landscape work of artist Lloyd Hopkinson. We examined the techniques he uses then used these in our own landscape paintings of the Lake District hills and mountains. Don’t they look fantastic!

Fantastic farm visit.

Class Three enjoyed a visit to Heaves Farm last week. The weather was kind to us and we only got a little damp on our walk back to school! The children learnt all about the animals, welfare and feeding on our visit. We had chance to watch sheep shearing, a sheep dog demonstration, hold some chicks and taste some delicious eggy bread. Some of the children learnt about sorting sheep in a race and others learnt about how honey is collected and other fascinating bee facts. We all had a fabulous day, thank you to everyone at Heaves Farm and the Westmorland County Agricultural Society for organising the day.

Class Three reflections and prayers

Today, Class 3 visited church. We had some time for silent reflection and discussed how this made us feel. We also thought about why some Christians decide to visit church to pray and how this differs from praying in other locations. We then found a quiet space outdoors an again took the time to reflect on our lives. We all named some of the things we are thankful for in our lives. When we returned to school we made prayer boards. We thought about all the things we are thankful for and what we would like to say sorry for and what we would like to ask for. We followed this up by writing individual prayers using prayer books from the refection area to help.

River basins!

Today, Class 3 continued their rivers topic by learning key terms and their definitions. We made our own river basins and used technical terms such as watershed, river channel, confluence, tributary, source and mouth. We will be moving onto looking at the River Kent next lesson and looking at its course using the OS maps.

Courageous advocacy in Class Three.

Class Three were very passionate about trying to make a difference to deforestation of the rainforests. We decided to write persuasive letters to the Prime Minister to try to influence political decisions. We were very excited to receive a reply from Downing Street detailing how there are trying to tackle to issue and thanking us for our interest in political issues.


Class 3 at Kepplewray.

Class Three had a fantastic time at Kepplewray. The children were very excited and couldn’t wait to get started. The canoeing was amazing and we all got to explore the ‘Swallows and Amazons’ island. Excellent teamwork, koinonia and kindness were demonstrated by all. The ghyll scrambling was a challenge but very rewarding and brilliant fun. The children worked together showing kindness, compassion, respect and endurance by the bucket load! We were all very thankful for the opportunity to explore our amazing locality and for the opportunity to take part in some adventurous outdoor activities.

What is prayer?

This week we took part in a fantastic workshop with Diana from NISCU. We learnt all about how, why, how and where Christians prayer. Diana explained that prayer is like having a friendship with God, that you can pray anywhere and at anytime. She explained why Christians pray using PASTA!

P is for Praise,

A is for Ask

S is for Sorry

T is for Thank you

A is for Amen.

Thank you so much Diana.


We have loved learning about rainforests this half term. We have looked at the climate and location, layers, animals and their importance and the threats they are facing. We have written some fantastic persuasive letter to Mr Sunak to convince him that he needs to act to stop deforestation.  We have also created our own rainforests in shoeboxes. They are all fabulous!