Class Three

Splendid Sewing!

Design and Technology is always a favourite in Class Three and the cushion topic did not disappoint. The children used their existing sewing skills demonstrating excellent running stitch sewing and also learnt how to cross stitch to add decoration to their pin cushions. They produced some amazing pin cushions but also helped each other showing true kindness, patience and team work. I think you will agree their pin cushions are fantastic and the smiles say it all!



Hill Fort Homework.

Class Three have just completed their Stone Age to Iron Age topic. We really enjoyed learning about Iron Age hill forts and their defensive features and learning about round houses. The children were set the challenge of designing a hill fort using any method they wanted to, the more creative the better. Here are a selection of our hill forts and round houses. I think you will agree they are amazing!


KS1 Christmas Party!

Class 1 and 2 enjoyed their Christmas party on Monday. They played lots of different games and enjoyed spending time with their friends.

Class Three’s Christingles!

We had a fantastic afternoon learning all about the different parts of a Christingle and what these represent including the lit candle representing Jesus as the ‘Light of the World’. We used our team work skills to help each other and worked brilliantly. Great job Class Three and thank you to the adults for providing the oranges and candles.

Stone Age artists

Class 3’s art topic this term has been cave paintings. We began by exploring cave painting and their importance for archaeologists. We looked at examples of cave paintings and identified the topics they showed and used these as a guide for our own sketches. We then moved on to using oil pastels and charcoal on sandpaper to experience drawing o rough surfaces. We also created stencils and created our own version of La Cueva de las Manos. Following this, we explored making different shades of brown and painted on uneven 3D surfaces using this. Finally, we created our own cave in the hall and created joint masterpieces!

Here are some examples of our learning journey.

Splendid stone circles!

Class 3 had a fabulous afternoon using our knowledge of stone circles to build our own Stonehenge from biscuits. We looked at the structure and layout of Stonehenge and used this as a guide for our models. We learnt lots of interesting facts about the stones and completed a fact card to accompany our models. As well as enhancing our knowledge there was lots of problem solving and teamwork displayed.

Stone Age hunter gatherers.

We learnt all about food in the Stone Age food today by going hunter gathering!  The children had a great time hunting for food and animal information in the community garden. We then learnt what foods were eaten and in what seasons. The children also learnt about changes throughout the Stone Age.

Maths using chocolate!

Class Three started their multiplication and division topic by looking at arrays. We looked at egg boxes and baking trays and then moved on to chocolate! The children drew the array they could see, identified the rows and columns in each array and then recorded the multiplication and division facts. We has a fantastic time while learning all about arrays.

Jesus is the Light of the World.

Class Three enjoyed a fantastic workshop with Diana from NISCU. We identified sources of light and compared these to Jesus such as car headlights lighting the path like Christians believe Jesus guides the way. For each source of light, we examined an extract from The Bible explaining why Jesus is called the ‘Light of the World’. We then each made a lantern with some of the quates on. This was a brilliant start to our topic.

Keswick Museum and Castlerigg Stone Circle

Class Three had a wonderful day visiting Keswick Museum and Castlerigg Stone Circle. The children loved seeing the stone circle and could recall facts they had learnt during our art topic. We constructed a timeline at the museum identifying key events in history. We then split into groups and all had chance to hold Stone Age axe heads found in a cave on the Pike of Stickle. We were also archaeologists and carried out a dig, we then interpreted the finds to identify the period of history these were from. We also looked at Stone Age artefacts in the museum and had the opportunity to look at the other exhibits. The children really enjoyed the day and had chance to use and extend their knowledge.