Class One

Settling into life as Reception!

A huge well done to all our new Reception starters who have settled in brilliantly! They have had a wonderful week exploring our newly organised classroom, enjoying lunchtime, parachute games and playtime!

Musical Extravaganza

After missing performing for two years, we were delighted to be entertained on Friday morning by our marvellous pianists  and violinists. We enjoyed solos, duets as well as small group performances introduced and supported by our first class instrumental teachers Mrs Rainbow and Mrs Hurley.

All year 2 pupils have learned to play the violin this year and the group who have been keen to continue presented a selection of pieces showing many different ways to produce sound on the violin including pizzicato (plucking the string) and arco (bowing). Our year 3 violinists showed their beautiful smooth bowing action that produced a lovely mellow tone.

The pianists all played different tunes, solos and duets that really got our feet tapping and produced smiles all around the appreciative audience. Well done to all performers and those who have supported and encouraged them this year – the fruits of that labour were clear to see thi



Reception go wild!

Reception have had a wonderful time at the Wildlife Oasis in Milnthorpe today. We enjoyed learning about some less well-known creatures and their habitats. The first workshop was about conservation and fitted in nicely with our topic about Sir David Attenborough. We learnt about the habitats of stick insects, millipedes and the fascinating leaf insect! All these animals originate from the Amazon Rainforest and we thought about why they were suited to this habitat. A tower of Jenga blocks all being removed at the same time was a great visual representation of what might happen to these animals when the trees in the rainforest are cut down. A second game of Jenga, which involved replacing blocks as well as removing them, showed us how planting a tree for each one that is cut down can help sustainability. We also learnt about everyday products which come from the rainforest and were very surprised at some of them! We then enjoyed getting up close to a blue tongued skink, leaf cutter ants, meerkats and lemurs to name just a few!

Super Sporting Morning

What a fantastic morning we had on Thursday! Our sport’s day this year started with a race for nursery and their teddies. Then the rest of school were split into four teams to complete a carousel of activities, for which they could win points for their team. During the second half of the morning, the children participated in more traditional events such as balancing races and running. Throughout the whole event, they supported and encouraged their team mates wonderfully. The morning concluded with the always entertaing Year 6 novelty race, adult races and not forgetting particiption from the youngest members of the audience in their race. It was a brilliant morning full of fun and exercise, made even better by the support and encouragement of parents, friends and the Levens community.

A visit from the vet

Class One were very lucky to receive a visit from Jen the vet a couple of weeks ago. She came to tell us all about her job, the types of animals she cares for and why they might sometimes need to see a vet. We enjoyed looking at photographs of some of the animals she has treated and finding out about them. We also learnt how to care for guinea pigs, finding out what they need to have provided for them, what they like to eat and play with too. Our favourite part of her visit was getting to have a cuddle with Fudge and Brownie and feeding them strawberries and peppers!

Reception have a ‘splashing’ time at YMCA!

What an incredible day we have had at Lakeside today! We started on the blue tube slides, really challenging ourselves through a maze of tunnels and slides. Even Mrs Haslam enjoyed it! Next we got togged up in buoyancy aids and helped to carry our boats onto the lake, having a ‘splashing’ time in the water which included a makeshift slide. Everyone was ready for lunch after a busy morning.  We then had a lovely time in the sunshine enjoying our natural surroundings, playing hide and seek and finding interesting natural objects. Ring games finished off our afternoon perfectly before heading home where some of us caught up on 40 winks! A wonderful day was had by all!


Platinum Jubilee

On Wednesday, we enjoyed a wonderful day of celebration for the Queen’s Jubilee.

The day started with an assembly giving thanks for our Queen and designing and making clay plaques to commemorate the occasion.

During the afternoon we enjoyed traditional games in our playground including What’s the time Mr Wolf, Fire on the Mountain and Hopscotch.  It was lovely to see the children from all across our school playing together happily.

Next we moved into our brightly decorated hall to watch snippets of the Coronation, eat delicious refreshments and sing the National Anthem at our indoor street-party.

After all the restrictions of Covid over the last two years, this was an amazing way to end this half term!

Eco Team Update

Our Eco Team have been busy today. Taking part in the Great Cumbrian Litter Pick, they ventured onto the playfields with our litter pickers and searched out and cleaned up the area. We mostly found plastic bits, some of which were very tricky to pick up with our grabbers!

We also held our termly second hand uniform sale – special thanks to Cherry and Josh on Eco Team for setting up the stall at lunchtime and to Josh for staying after school to sell and put things away. We will be hosting these second hand uniform sales every term so please keep safe any suitably clean and good quality uniform and PE kits to send in when we let you know the next date.


Barrow Raiders Meet EYFS

Over the last few weeks, Nursery and Reception have been learning some new skills and are beginning to understand more about this amazing game.

We can now name the different parts of a rugby ball, know how to throw and catch a rugby ball, can score a try and know how to ‘tag’ an opponent too!

Friday afternoons are so much fun with our amazing coaches!