Class Four

Holy Spirit Artwork

Class 4 have been learning about the Pentecost in RE lessons. We have heard how Christians believe Jesus ascended to heaven so that the Holy Spirit could come down to the world and bless Christians worldwide.

But what does the Holy Spirit actually do? What even is a Holy Spirit? What does it look like? We looked at a range of artwork on the theme of the Holy Spirit, from stained glass windows, classical paintings and modern interpretations. We found that the same symbols are often used to represent the Spirit of the Lord, including the Dove and ‘tongues of fire’. We used this as inspiration to create our own Holy Spirit artwork using a variety of methods. Check out our finished work below!

Dear Newsround…

CBBC Newsround is a favourite in Class 4! We think it’s really important to hear about the important news stories happening in the world, and the discussions that we have about them are always lively and enlightening. As our Christian value of this term is Thankfulness, we thought we would show our thanks (and practise some letter-writing!) by sending our favourite presenters some fan mail. We thought very carefully about who to choose, why we valued watching the program and what it was about each presenter that inspired us.

Today, a very exciting envelope arrived in school – a reply! The Newsround team have written back to us and thanked us for our letters. We even got an autographed photo of our favourite presenter to keep – another autograph for the ever-growing collection! Well done Class 4 for your amazing letters!

Young Voices!

Children from Key Stage 2 attended the Young Voices event on Monday 5th February along with over 9,000 other children. The children have been practising the songs at an after school club and learning all the dance moves! We set off for Manchester and our journey included some impromptu singing. The children enjoyed a rehearsal in the afternoon, this included learning some extra songs and being led by a conductor. As the excitement grew the adults joined us at the AO Arena. The children were amazing and sang beautifully, loved all the dancing and the other performances especially M C Grammar, Urban Strides and Nandi Bushell.  Mrs Haslam and Ms Chapman were exceptionally proud of all the children!

Class 4 Vaping Workshop

Class 4 have recently been involved in a workshop run by the Cumbria Addictions Advice and Solutions (CADAS) team. We explored the risks associated with vaping – particularly in children and young adults. This is a trend which unfortunately appears to be on the rise nationwide, so it was useful for our students to get the facts and learn more to keep themselves safe. All of the students engaged well with the session and asked thoughtful, considerate questions – well done all!

Further advice and support on this issue, along with many others, can be found on the CADAS website.

Windermere Football Skills

Last week, Class 4 were privileged to be invited to Windermere School for their football skills session. Despite the rain howling through the night, the day turned out with only showers and we arrived at Windermere ready to get stuck in. Up the hill we went to the 3G pitch with our attentive coaches – everyone had fun and showed great enthusiasm.

The best bit though? If you ask me – a free lunch!!

Thanks again to all the staff at Windermere school for the session. Photos below!

Wild Weather & Rickety Rafts!

“There’s no such thing as poor weather – only unsuitable clothing”

A good thing then that Class 4 were kitted out with wetsuits! A miserable showing from the weather did not dampen our spirits as we arrived bright and early at Glenridding Sailing Centre for a day of raft building. After suiting up and being given a short design brief, we got stuck right into crafting some rafts. Some furious knot-tying later and the seemingly random pile of poles, rope and barrels had been turned into two reasonably seaworthy looking vessels!

There was only one way to prove it, however, and so the race was on with the teams speeding across the lake. Even the sudden whirlpool which appeared courtesy of the safety boat didn’t put the intrepid adventurers off. One team even managed one and a half laps before the inevitable!

All good things must come to an end though, and soon enough the hastily secured barrels began to escape. Before long, nearly everyone had been unceremoniously dumped into the water for a good swim.

A huge thanks to Josh at the Glenridding Sailing Centre for hosting the day for us and a big well done to everyone in Class for for bringing your best smiles, making your own fun and looking out for each other.

2093 Class 4 Reunion

And that’s a wrap! Thank you so much to parents who came to our end-of-term play last night. Our production was completely down to the students of Class 4 who worked together on writing, staging, props, costumes, hair, makeup, jokes, lighting and everything else – a massive well done to them on a fabulous performance. This will certainly be a hard one to top next year!!

Amazing Archery.

Classes 2, 3 and 4 had a fantastic time learning how to shoot a bow and arrow! The children loved the sessions where they learnt how to stand, load and fire the arrow. Their aim definitely improved as the session progressed. They were so enthusiastic that some of the children will continue to develop their skills at an after school club in September.

Spaghetti Challenge!

Class Three and Four had an amazing morning completing ‘The Spaghetti Structure Challenge.’ The children were set the task of building a structure using spaghetti, blue-tack, masking tape and string. They worked in small groups and their team work skills were put to the test! The structures were designed to hold the weight of a book and were tested to destruction and prizes were awarded for the tallest, strongest and most creative models. The children were fantastic and produced some interesting structures. A big thank you to Christian and Victoria from Architects Plus (UK) for working with the children and judging their work.

Junior Sports Day

What an afternoon! Fortunately the rain held off for the juniors to have a great time at their sports afternoon, led by the Barrow Raiders team. We kicked off proceedings with a skills circuit, including the high jump, long jump and nerf-football throwing. After that, we got straight into a range of races and obstacle courses to test a range of skills. Last but not least, the tug-of-war!

Well done to everyone involved, particularly red team who just about snatched the win by a very narrow margin. Thanks again to the Barrow Raiders team for organising and leading the day!