Class Four

Year 6 Light Up Science!

This week in Year 6, our budding scientists embarked on an electrifying experiment to investigate the relationship between bulbs and brightness in a circuit!

The challenge? To see how the number of bulbs in a circuit affects the overall brightness. Equipped with batteries, wires, and an assortment of circuit components, the students were eager to put their scientific thinking caps on.

Diligently following a scientific method, they meticulously constructed circuits with varying numbers of bulbs. With each creation, they carefully observed the level of brightness produced.

The results were illuminating (pun intended)! The students discovered that as the number of bulbs in the circuit increased, the overall brightness decreased. This is because the same amount of electrical energy is being shared amongst more bulbs, resulting in a dimmer glow for each.

But our young scientists weren’t done yet! They took their exploration a step further by creating a table to record their observations and drawing clear diagrams of their circuits. This meticulous documentation will be crucial when they come to write their scientific reports, explaining their findings and the scientific concepts behind them.

Patterdale Hall Residential!

Many thanks to everyone who came to our Patterdale Hall assembly last week. The children have been buzzing about it ever since and the experience has gone a long way to helping us in our Geography, English and more!

There is nothing more I can say here, other than a massive thank you to all the staff at Patterdale Hall for looking after us, and the Levens staff who helped make the trip so special. Without further ado, here are the photos! (No Mrs H. video here unfortunately!)

A Trip to Ancient Egypt

To conclude our topic on the Ancient Egyptians, Class 4 have used ★the power of imagination★ to travel thousands of years back in time to the Ancient Egyptian Empire. Over the course of the morning, our two expert guides Laura and Adrian helped us to act our way through over three thousand years of history.

We started with the first Pharaoh of a unified Egypt, Narmer…

A student imitating the Pharoah Narmer.

…heard about who built the Great Pyramid of Giza…

A student pretending to be a pyramid.

…were menaced by the Khopesh sword…

A student holding a khopesh sword in the air.

And watched the death of the Pharaoh Cleopatra…

Students acting out the death pf the pharaoh Cleopatra.

Thanks to Imagining History for coming in and sharing the story of Ancient Egypt in such a unique, informative and memorable way!

LEGO League 2024!

FIRST Lego League Challenge - Wikipedia

Once again, the brave engineers of Levens have risen to the challenge and shown what they can do at the South Lakes First LEGO League Challenge!

The event is split into four different but related challenges – an innovation project, in which students need to come up with a design for a new piece of technology which could be a real benefit to our world; a robot design competition; a robot game and an award for teamwork, sportsmanship and collaboration.

The team were fabulous as always, and although we didn’t come away with a trophy this year, we’re told that we are definitely climbing the ranks so I’m excited to see what next year can bring already!

Networking with young Muslims from London

Last week, Year 5 and 6 were treated to a live presentation and Q and A session with a group of teenage Sunni and Shi’a Muslims from Redbridge in North London know as AFABs (Ambassadors of faith and belief).  As part of their studies in KS5, these young people are involved in a project to teach others about the diversity of their faith and help deepen knowledge of their faith with primary-aged pupils from across the UK.  We were joined by children from other primary schools across Cumbria.

We have certainly deepened our knowledge and understanding of so many aspects of Islam including: the five pillars of Islam, the different branches of Islam, Ramadan and Eid, pilgrimage, prayer, dress and symbolism.

Florence – ‘I didn’t know that Muslims believe in Heaven.’

Grace – ‘I learnt that not all Muslims cover their heads but those that do choose to wear a Hijab to show respect and be closer to God.’

Eleanor – ‘I learnt more about the Kaaba being a very sacred place’ at the centre of the most sacred Mosque.’

Koby – ‘I learnt that over 3 million Muslims travel to Mecca in Saudi Arabia every year as part of hajj.

A Master Class with Nigel Edmondson

Year six had a very special ‘Feel Good Friday’ today as the walked down to see Nigel Edmondson in his Levens’ studio this afternoon to kick-start our collaborative art project inspired by God’s creation.

Nigel talked to us about his work, his inspirations and some of his techniques. He then demonstrated how he uses his tools and machinery to create clay tiles.  After that, we began to experiment with our ideas using a range of objects that Nigel uses for his own pieces to create nature-inspired tiles.

We all learnt so much and feel so inspired following our special afternoon.  Year six will be working together to plan this whole-school project and act as mentors so that every pupil can explore this medium and create their own tiles.  These will be displayed together as a permanent art installation in our school hall.

Look out for more news on our project soon!

Holy Spirit Artwork

Class 4 have been learning about the Pentecost in RE lessons. We have heard how Christians believe Jesus ascended to heaven so that the Holy Spirit could come down to the world and bless Christians worldwide.

But what does the Holy Spirit actually do? What even is a Holy Spirit? What does it look like? We looked at a range of artwork on the theme of the Holy Spirit, from stained glass windows, classical paintings and modern interpretations. We found that the same symbols are often used to represent the Spirit of the Lord, including the Dove and ‘tongues of fire’. We used this as inspiration to create our own Holy Spirit artwork using a variety of methods. Check out our finished work below!

Dear Newsround…

CBBC Newsround is a favourite in Class 4! We think it’s really important to hear about the important news stories happening in the world, and the discussions that we have about them are always lively and enlightening. As our Christian value of this term is Thankfulness, we thought we would show our thanks (and practise some letter-writing!) by sending our favourite presenters some fan mail. We thought very carefully about who to choose, why we valued watching the program and what it was about each presenter that inspired us.

Today, a very exciting envelope arrived in school – a reply! The Newsround team have written back to us and thanked us for our letters. We even got an autographed photo of our favourite presenter to keep – another autograph for the ever-growing collection! Well done Class 4 for your amazing letters!

Young Voices!

Children from Key Stage 2 attended the Young Voices event on Monday 5th February along with over 9,000 other children. The children have been practising the songs at an after school club and learning all the dance moves! We set off for Manchester and our journey included some impromptu singing. The children enjoyed a rehearsal in the afternoon, this included learning some extra songs and being led by a conductor. As the excitement grew the adults joined us at the AO Arena. The children were amazing and sang beautifully, loved all the dancing and the other performances especially M C Grammar, Urban Strides and Nandi Bushell.  Mrs Haslam and Ms Chapman were exceptionally proud of all the children!

Class 4 Vaping Workshop

Class 4 have recently been involved in a workshop run by the Cumbria Addictions Advice and Solutions (CADAS) team. We explored the risks associated with vaping – particularly in children and young adults. This is a trend which unfortunately appears to be on the rise nationwide, so it was useful for our students to get the facts and learn more to keep themselves safe. All of the students engaged well with the session and asked thoughtful, considerate questions – well done all!

Further advice and support on this issue, along with many others, can be found on the CADAS website.