
Icy art in Class One

Nursery and Reception have been observing the signs that winter is on its way! After noticing the frost last week, we decided to make some of our own ice decorations using natural materials. We collected leaves, conkers and twigs to create them and then hung them on our apple tree to watch what happened as they began to melt. The results were beautiful!

The Making of the Mural

Work has begun on our fabulous mural in the dining room!! Make sure you keep an eye on how it develops over the next few days and weeks!

Thank you once again to the Michelle Jurd Memorial Trust and to our artist, Sophie Martin!

Arts Week – pen drawings and watercolour

Class 4 have really enjoyed the opportunity to work with local artist Sophie Martin recently.

After a demonstration from Sophie and the opportunity to see her work, we went out into our community to complete a range of observational drawings of different aspects of Levens Village.

We have been developing our ink drawings back in school with the use of watercolour.

Sculpture and the Human Form

Scafell have been working on observing and drawing the human form, one of the most challenging subjects to represent on paper.

We began by completing quick 15minute sketches of each other – keeping still in a carefully constructed pose was almost as difficult as the drawing!

We then moved on to exploring the human figure in 3D using play dough and aluminium foil. We could manipulate our figures into lots of different poses.  We used these to create very quick gesture poses.   We are now working on our wire  sculptures and hope to be able to share these very soon!

Amazing Art from Year 5 + 6

This term, Scafell Class have produced the most creative and original work in their unit on line, colour and pattern.  All of which has been completed at home through a carefully planned sequence of work delivered via recorded lessons on Teams.  The quality of this work has been outstanding.

We began by looking at the work of Carolee Clark who produces very bold, colourful portrayals of the things around her including: animals, buildings, people and studies of fruit.

Scafell have been studying in detail her use of colour, line and pattern as seen from this collection of pieces sent in to us recently:

We have learnt the difference between tints, tones and shades to make a wider range of colours in our palettes:


And finally, we have created our own pieces of original work inspired by the artist by applying all the skills, knowledge and understanding over the final two weeks of lessons: