Whole school multi-faith art afternoon
On Tuesday, all pupils from nursery to Y6 enjoyed an immersive afternoon learning about art from the Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic and Jewish faiths.
On Tuesday, all pupils from nursery to Y6 enjoyed an immersive afternoon learning about art from the Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic and Jewish faiths.
We have been learning to make observational drawings of natural objects. We started by focusing on the different variations of lines.
Class 3 have been studying stone circles and have produced some amazing paintings using watercolours and ink. We experimented with different techniques using the paints, using different brushes and wet and dry paper. We looked closely at examples of painting and used this as inspiration for our own pictures. We practised drawing stone circles, focusing on perspective and also adding ink details to the paint.
The finished results were fabulous.
In early years, developing strength in our core is essential for our gross and fine motor development. When our new brushes arrived this week, it was a fun opportunity to get painting in our outdoor area. The children extended the activity by using their feet and hands; as well as other materials that they found in our garden to make different marks.
Just in case you missed our display in the Learning for Life tent at the Westmorland County Show, here it is!
Last year, every child in school was involved in creating a clay tile inspired by God’s creation. They are now mounted together in a huge frieze on the wall of our school hall. They look incredible. This was a project in collaboration with local potter, Nigel Edmondson, who invited pupils to his Levens’ studio to learn some techniques and explore the inspirations for his work. He was also kind enough to make enough clay tiles for every child to work with and then fired them in his kiln.
Pupils in year five and six also explored the work of Libby Edmondson as part of their project on Lakeland landscapes by local artists. Students were really inspired by Libby’s bold use of colour in her work and like her, we used acrylics in our own creations.
We are all very grateful to Nigel for working so closely with us over the last twelve months on these wonderful projects and to Ted’s (in Nursery) grandpa for taking a day out of his very busy schedule to create our installation.
Class 3 have enjoyed looking at the landscape work of artist Lloyd Hopkinson. We examined the techniques he uses then used these in our own landscape paintings of the Lake District hills and mountains. Don’t they look fantastic!
Class 4 enjoyed a wonderful day in the grounds of Levens Hall on Wednesday with local artist Bob Sutcliffe.
We started off with pencils and watercolour in the topiary exploring shape, texture, line and form. In the afternoon, we moved on to exploring more abstract ideas by looking up through the canopies of tree branches above us and by combining mixed-media.
We enjoyed seeing Bob’s exhibition which is currently on show in the grounds and huge thanks to everyone at Levens Hall for letting us spend the day in your magical gardens.
As part of our rainforest topic, we have been looking at the work of Henri Rousseau. We started the topic with a fantastic art session with Bob Sutcliffe, looking at the leaves in the paintings. We then moved on to look at colour mixing using watercolours and pastels. Next, we looked at the animals found in rainforests and drew some of these in our sketchbooks. Finally, we combined all our skills and produced our own rainforest picture. Fabulous work all round!
Class 2 have been exploring the work of Paul Klee and Pablo Picasso. We have used a range of different types of media to create ‘bonkers’ portraits, with eyes, noses, ears and mouths in lots of unusual places, sometimes combining different viewpoints on one image. We were also really inspired by the irregular shapes and the strong use of bold colours in the work of these artists to make our striking pictures.
With Bob Sutcliffe taking our ideas even further, we also made some 3D collage creations to make the features of our faces really stand out. We have used cardboard, pencils, wax pastels and paint!
Class Three have started to look at the work of Henri Rousseau, in particular the painting ‘The Tiger’. We were experimenting with water colour paints and creating painting of leaves today. I think you will agree they are fantastic. I can’t wait to see the rest of their work this term!