Levens School

Big Painting

We had great fun today creating big paintings of shapes. First, we worked together to draw shapes with rulers and drawing round lots of objects in the class. We discussed the properties and names of the shapes as we drew them.


3D shape experts in Bowfell

At our last celebration assembly for parents, children from Bowfell class sang a catchy song all about 3d shapes.   During this week’s special assembly, two young experts shared their knowledge of 3d shape names.  Here they are holding a pentagonal prism and a 3 dodecahedrons that they made using ‘Clixi’.

Puppet Shows in Bowfell

This afternoon, children in year 1 entertained us with their wonderful version of The Three Little Pigs inspired by the inspiring resources in our classroom environment.  Each pupil played a key role in the performance; whether it be narrating the story; animating the puppets; or playing musical instruments used to create different sound effects.  Clear voices, confident speaking and enthusiastic participation ensured everyone thoroughly enjoyed the show.  They had even created tickets and programmes too!

Learning about the orchestra

We have been learning about different families of instruments that make up the orchestra through listening and watching orchestras play Benjamin Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra. So far we have learnt about the strings seen a cello and violin in action in the classroom. We have just learnt about the woodwind section and now have a bassoon in the classroom. We had great fun with straws, seeing how the shorter the tube the higher the notes will be.

Here we are making careful observational drawings of the cello whilst listening to them being played on the screen.

Mindfulness Colouring Club

Today at colouring club we welcomed children of all ages from across school.  The room was quiet and calm with everyone focusing on nothing but their choice of colours and their shading.

Thank you to our dedicated members of Scafell Class who run this club every Monday.

Toddler Taster Cooking Delights

We had a wonderful time at Toddler Taster this morning creating delicious and healthy treats and sending delicious aromas around the whole school to make the rest of our children (and staff), very envious!

All of our pre-school guests and their adults enjoyed a creative and fun session making everything from cheesy potato boats, to lamb muffins.

Thank you to everyone who came along this morning to enjoy such a lovely time.  It is our pleasure to offer these sessions to our local community and we really hope that you have the next one in your diary – Monday 18th March at 9.30am.

J’aime le chocolat

This week, Scafell pupils have started their new topic in French: ‘At the cafe’.  We have begun by developing our vocabulary for food and drink by playing games; speaking and listening and drawing foods we like and dislike.

J’aime la glace.

J’aime les saucisses mais je n’aime pas le poulet.

2D Shape Treasure Hunt

This morning, Scafell began this term’s work on shape by exploring the school grounds searching for, identifying, sketching and then describing the properties of the 2D shapes they discovered.  These included: rhombus, square, trapezium, parallelogram, kites.

High level vocabulary was used effectively and appropriately to describe each shape:

  • pairs of parallel sides
  • regular
  • symmetrical
  • irregular
  • sides perpendicular
  • quadrilateral