Levens School

Scafell Map skills

We have been looking at different types of maps in Scafell this week to make comparisons between physical and human features in Edinburgh and Kendal.  We also looked at very old maps of these areas to see how they have changed over time and developed our geographical vocabulary to describe these settlements and the surrounding environments.  These included: urban, rural, industrial, tourism, hills, fells, suburban, congestion, farming etc.

Letter writing

Some of the children in Year One spent their guided reading session this afternoon learning all about letters and how they travel through the post. This included the journey of a letter going overseas.

They then wrote letters to each other and we enjoyed a sunny walk down to the postbox to post them. They are wondering how long it will take them to arrive…

Scafell Visit to Edinburgh

We all enjoyed a wonderful three days in Edinburgh just before the halfterm holidays.  Highlights included: pandas at Edinburgh Zoo; dinner at Nando’s; Robots at the Scottish National Museum; Mrs Mason’s quiz-night; a mirrored-maze at Camera Obscura; and super volcanoes at Dynamic Earth.

The trip provided a range of amazing experiences enriching our learning in the classroom and extending our knowledge and understanding of our world.    We each walked a staggering 50,000 steps, but no one complained!  Our days were full of laughter and smiles. The Scafell team were fantastic friends to one another, as well as incredible ambassadors of our school, with many positive comments received from members of the public and museum staff alike.  Well done everyone!

Cumbria X Country

What a brilliant opportunity for our excellent runners to take a huge step up in standard, competing against the best in the County, on the most difficult course that I have ever seen at primary level.

On Monday this week, with a beautiful blue sky, though a terribly muddy terrain, our elite runners did just that, pushing themselves to exhaustion and personal fulfillment. All of the adults who had the privilege to be there with them, couldn’t have been prouder; it was a very special day!

Congratulations to all for your fantastic achievements!

We now have Oscar going on to represent Cumbria at the National Championships in Leicester in March, a huge event.

One more event left at Elleray, we couldn’t be more excited.


Safer Internet Day in Bowfell

For Safer Internet Day this year, Bowfell learnt about using tablets and phones safely whilst online. They listened to a story about a little boy who had a tablet and we talked about different scenarios he was faced with throughout and what they thought he should do. We focused on asking adults for help, asking before using the internet, not talking to strangers online and not clicking buttons if we don’t know what they are for,

Reception then used an app on the ipad to make the Beebot move around in different directions. Year 1 learnt  how to switch on the laptop, connect to the internet and started to practise some keyboard skills whilst playing some fun phonics games.


Preparing for the Dance Platform

Skiddaw class have been busy on Tuesday mornings working really hard with Miss Nic, our dance specialist, to create a piece to perform at the Brewery Dance Platform event on 20th March. A theme of boxes has been given to link all the different schools’ performances and ours is based on the Ancient Greek myth of Pandora’s Box. We have been reading the story, with fantastic expression, in guided reading recently too. Next week a dancer from the Brewery is visiting to watch our piece and teach move for a group dance.

Here we are mid session…

Highwayman Homework

Well done Scafell who have produced some wonderful ‘Wanted Posters’ as part of their literacy work on The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes.   Looks like they had great fun staining their paper and burning the edges to give their posters an authentic feel.  More fabulous work based around this poem coming soon….

Y5 identifying and labelling different angles

Did you know that different sized angles have different names? Today, year 5 were outside for their maths lesson, deciding whether the angles drawn on the playground were acute, obtuse, right-angles, straight-angles or reflex.

Can you identify the angles?  If not, see any member of our year 5 experts for help!

Challenge Books

Our Reception children have enjoyed their first week using challenge booklets. Each child has their own book with photos of all the challenges which are set each week. Once a challenge has been completed, they add in a smiley face. This week challenges have included painting with different tools, creating patterns and phonics paper chains. The children have really impressed Mrs Haslam with their attitude towards independent learning. Well done Reception!