Levens School

Owl Babies nest building

Reception and Year One enjoyed spending part of their morning last week thinking about what owl babies might like to make a nest from. They went on a collecting hunt around the playing fields as part of their Literacy and English work this half term. Reception then made collages using some of the things they found and talked about why they thought they would be good materials to build a nest from. Year One practised their sentence writing skills, giving reasons for their choices.

Wonderful Wasps

This week, a new member of our village community bought us a wonderful wasp nest that they had found in their new house. We were fascinated to look at it and carefully touch its fragile outside. We could see the layers of wood that the wasps used to create the exterior. We loved the fact that we could see inside too. It resembled a honeycomb with columns holding the sections apart. Thank you very much – your donation has inspired lots of interesting discussion and observations.

Scafell Class visit St. John’s Church

As part of our learning about God this term, Scafell Class visited St. John’s Church.  The pupils have been learning about the word’s that Christians use to describe God: omniscient, omnipotent, holy, eternal, spirit, loving and omnipresent.  On our visit, we were particularly looking at what the artefacts, symbols and furniture in Church tell us about God.

Our work this term continues with looking at other Christian churches and making comparisons.

Scafell Pupils Visit Liverpool World Museum


Pupils from years 5 & 6 enjoyed an amazing day at The Liverpool World Museum on Friday as part of their learning on The Ancient Egyptians.  During the morning, the pupils explored five floors of galleries that included displays about dinosaurs, bugs, space, time, the natural world; and also exhibits related to Ancient Egypt.

After an enjoyable picnic lunch, the children became archaeologists for the afternoon.  Wearing gloves to protect the genuine artefacts, we became detectives in deciphering hieroglyphs and identifying mystery objects and their uses.  The workshop provided an incredible opportunity to get up close to some items dating back 3000 years including: kohl pots, canopic jars, a mummified cat, amulets, figurines and funerary cones.

Take a look at our photos from the day. Caution some are not for the squeamish…. look out for the mummified hand complete with intact fingernails!!

We Will Remember Them

This morning, we spent a few moments reflecting and remembering the contribution so many made so that we can enjoy life in a democratic society.

Our service was led by Reverend Bryan in the grounds of St. John’s on the 11th day of the 11th month. At 11am we stood in silence to remember and respect those who gave so much.  Each class made a wreath that was laid at the foot of the war memorial and some of our oldest pupils read the names of soldiers from Levens who had fought in World War I and II.

We were joined by members of the community and parents.

Road Safety Year 1 & 2

Yesterday, Year One and Two took part in a wonderfully interactive session about road safety with Sarah from Pyjama Drama. They listened to stories; took on different roles and characters; and learnt the Green Cross Code whilst getting active and having fun.


Little Beasties in Bowfell

Mandy from Little Beasties in Ulverston came to visit us on Monday and brought along some of her animals. The children enjoyed learning about, observing and handling them – if they were brave enough!

Bowfell’s Visit From Bay Vets

Last week Bowfell enjoyed an inspiring and informative visit from Mrs Houston and Vicky from Bay Vets in Milnthorpe. They brought along Spider and Mabel the dogs. The children learnt about how dogs are examined when they go to the vets and some of the equipment they use. They also had the opportunity to get hands on and practise being a vet themselves! This involved bandaging legs, listening to hearts and brushing teeth. Thank you so much for such a great morning!

Netball Success At Dallam

Congratulations to all our amazing competitors in the Dallam High 5 Netball Tournament earlier this week.  They showed exceptional passing, footwork and marking to win all four matches and qualify for the regional finals.  Most importantly, the key to their success was their ability to work well as a team!


Scafell’s Autumn Poetry Walk

This morning, Scafell Class had a wonderful walk in the autumn sunshine seeking inspiration for our poetry writing.  We wandered around the WildTrail on Sizergh Estate listening to the sounds of crunching leaves below our feet and the birds singing beautifully in the canopy above our heads.

We also had some time for some forest schools type challenges and games including: yoga pose, journey sticks, tree hugs and the beam challenge!