Levens School

KS2 Super Spies!

Pm fvb hyl ylhkpun aopz, fvb ohcl avv tbjo aptl vu fvby ohuakz!

What’s with the crazy letters? Keyboard broken? No! Just KS2 getting up to some sneaky spy business. With nearly half of KS2 out at the cross country event doing amazing things, we had some time to take ourselves back to the days of the Enigma machine.

Secret codes are always useful. From writing in a secret diary to sharing confidential battle-plans in times of war, making sure other people can’t read your messages without permission can be really important. But how does it work? And, more interestingly, how do clever people break encryption codes to get at the secret messages within?

We started by learning about the Caesar Cipher – a technique used to take an ordinary message and “shift” the letters so that they can no longer be read. We made our own encoding machines and wrote plenty of secret messages. If somebody knows the encryption key (how much the letters have been shifted), they can easily decode the message.

But what if we don’t know the key? Well, the “key” to solving that problem is to look for common patterns. Some letters (like e) are used all the time in the English language. Other times, you can spot words which follow the same pattern. Most useful of all, you can look for unique words – we looked for single-letter words. These are probably only going to be “a” or “I”, so we’ve already got a great start to decoding.

Once we’d worked this out, the entire classroom turned into a well-oiled decoding machine, intercepting secret messages from Mr Dean and decoding them to find out what on earth he’s talking about! Maybe he really is a spy after all!



Toddler Taster Bake Off!

Thank you to all those of you who joined us last Friday for our first Toddler Taster session of 2020 – cooking with our resident star baker Mrs Mason! The children enjoyed creating lots of delicious dishes including pitta bread pizzas, cake pops, pig biscuits and potato boats – to name just a few. There was a delicious aroma wafting around school throughout the afternoon and it was lovely to welcome both familiar and new faces to Levens. Many thanks also go to our adult helpers, we couldn’t have done it without you!

Zog trail!

Last week, Reception and Year One continued their learning about Julia Donaldson’s popular story ‘Zog’ by taking part in an outdoor mystery trail. There were clues chalked onto the playground about what the famous dragon learnt to do in each year of school. The children were challenged to work out the clues in order to crack the mystery code!

Time for a timeline!

To finish our history work on Developments in the Railways we explored where in time this all happened. Firstly, we had cards with other areas of history we study in school, and other important events, and we decided what order they came in. We worked in teams to do this, discussing and justifying our choices. We learnt about BC and AD and how we start counting our year numbers from the year of Jesus’ birth. We then made a display in the classroom with all the cards in the right order. The time the dinosaurs became extinct wouldn’t fit on our time line and it was amazing to think that this would actually be out in the Irish Sea if it was possible to continue our time line in the scale that we have used. This blew our minds!!

Here we doing our research into different steam locomotives which we presented to everyone in Celebration Assembly recently. We are also busy sorting times in history and then displaying our work in the classroom.


C’est Moi!

Year 5 & 6 have been writing some sentences about themselves in French!   Their writing includes information about their name, age, family and likes and dislikes as part of our topic on ‘Ourselves’.  We shared our sentences orally in Celebration Assembly today.

Well done everyone!

Best of Britain

Which do you think is the best of these four steam locomotives, all designed and built here in Britain? Skiddaw class have been researching each locomotive ready to present in our Celebration Assembly and try to persuade pupils to vote for them as the Best of Britain!

Rock Around the Flock

This year’s whole school performance was another magical show for us to enjoy.  Well done everyone on your three brilliant shows last week:

Christmas Fair

Huge thanks to everyone who supported or who helped at our Christmas Fair on 6th December.  It was a wonderful opportunity for friends and families to come together to have fun and raise money in support of our school.

Our year 5 & 6 pupils led their own creative stalls and games. These included: Find the Joker, Lucky Dip, Spin the Wheel, Hook a Duck and The Canonball Challenge.  They raised a staggering £174!


Pyramid Expo!

Having worked so hard on designing and building pyramids, it would be a shame to not show them off!

As you know by now, Scafell class have been learning about the ancient Egyptians. We’ve recently been looking at pyramids. Having learned what they are for and how they were built, we had a go at designing our own pyramid so that people in the future would remember us as great leaders!

Having set this in part as a homework task, I was stunned to see so many excellent ideas and unique designs. To celebrate this, we turned our classroom into a museum for the afternoon, complete with information cards, and invited Skiddaw along to come and see what we had made.

Check out the gallery and see them for yourselves!

Owls visit Bowfell

Bowfell class enjoyed a visit this morning from some of the beautiful owls from The Owl Sanctuary in Barrow. The children had the opportunity to stroke, handle and ask questions about the owls. They also learnt lots of interesting facts, such a what owls drink – it isn’t what you might think!