Levens School

Sport Relief 2020

Sport Relief week is here and everyday this week we are getting outside and walking, jogging and running a mile! Even nursery are getting involved when they are here. The first day was lovely and dry, the second less so but come rain or shine we are hardy and get on with it. Take a look at our photos here and don’t forget to collect sponsors for this very good cause.

Day 1 – lovely sunny dry day!

Day 2 – Distinct lack of photos due to the weather conditions, just before and after today photos – sorry!

Day 3 – oops forgot to take the camera out!

Day 4 – windy and fresh but we are getting the hang of this…

Day 5 – the sun shone brightly to end our challenge! Congratulations everyone.

Run, Run as fast as you can…

Well, well, well, if Dragon Almighty wasn’t enough to contend with, Bowfell now have a gingerbread man on the loose! Our special cameras caught him and his friends on the rampage around school last week. The children were shocked and set about on the hunt for him. There were very few clues as to his whereabouts until this afternoon when the postman delivered some interesting mail. Postcards from London, Germany and New Zealand had been sent to the children – from the gingerbread man himself! No wonder they couldn’t find him last week. Everyone was very excited and somewhat perplexed as to where all these places were. We displayed a large map of the world on the whiteboard and zoomed in to see where we were located in comparison to all the places the gingerbread man has been. I wonder if he will be visiting anywhere else on his travels? Watch this space…

Safer Internet Day February 2020

During our Safer Internet Day on February 11th 2020, every child in school extended their understanding of the internet and the dangers that we might encounter when working or playing online.  Almost every child in school has access to a phone or tablet; and the large majority access the internet regularly.

In Bowfell Class, Reception and Nursery learnt about tablet safety in terms of playing games and apps; identifying things that are safe to click on etc.

Year one watched some of the episodes of Hector’s World which concentrated on issues such as keeping information safe and asking an adult for help. They have designed their own posters to help others stay safe.

Skiddaw Class learnt about what the internet is and how to seek and give permission in real life.  This was linked to our online activity and why it’s important.

Scafell Class focused on looking at the consequences of making irresponsible choices online such as: making friends with people online that we have never met in person, sharing our passwords and believing everything we read online.  You can watch this video here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/13908828


More information about keeping safe online can be found at:



Key Steps Gymnastics Competition at Dallam

Congratulations to our three amazing teams of gymnasts who recently competed at the South Lakes Keysteps Competition at Dallam School.

Every gymnast has been working extremely hard, with their coach Mrs Craggs, during lunchtimes and at their after-school Gymnastics Club since the beginning of the autumn term.   Their performances included vaults, floor routines and body management sequences.

Our youngest competitors have qualified for the area finals at Dallam School tomorrow and we wish them success as they go for gold!

“I had a fantastic time at the competition.  I had loads of fun doing my routine and my vault.  I worried at the start but then it went and I wasn’t scared anymore.  This competition has made me less scared about performing” reported Zuzia.

“I had a great time.  I want to continue to be a gymnast because it is so much fun”.  said Katie.

“We had to go onto the vault, do a floor routine and perform body management sequences in the competition.  We have worked really hard.” explained Poppy.



Many thanks to Mr Bland and the Playdale team for taking the time to show Bowfell class around the playing fields development last Wednesday morning. The children had a brilliant time dressing up in high visibility jackets and hard hats to take a tour of the site. They looked at a plan of the fields to see where the new equipment was being installed and got up close to some very interesting machinery and holes in the ground! Everyone is excited to see the new look playing fields in a few weeks time!

Dragon Almighty!

There were some funny goings on in Bowfell class last week which began on Monday when the children discovered their princesses had been frozen into blocks of ice! A letter accompanied this shocking discovery stating that ‘Dragon Almighty’ was on the loose, setting traps and challenges for the children! The remainder of the week saw the princesses locked in a treasure chest with padlocks to open and ended with a trail for Reception and Year One to our forest school area at Heaves. Here they discovered a dedicated ‘dragon zone’ with an apology letter from the naughty dragon himself asking for the children’s help to find his missing 11 eggs! Thankfully the children accepted his apology and got to work on the important task of finding the precious eggs in time before they hatched! They are now safely rehoused in Bowfell’s fairy garden. Whilst we were there the children also enjoyed making fairy houses and dragon caves from the natural materials around them as well as some yummy hot chocolate to warm up with after all their hard work.


Dog Food in our RE lesson!

This afternoon, Mrs Wadey only got to eat half of her dinner so she was very hungry. She only had a can of dog food to eat. We really thought it was dog food because it looked just like dog food and she ate it! She told us to never judge a book by its cover. When she was eating we said that we felt worried, sick and scared. We thought it was gross and we were confused. Then we thought and talked about what this saying meant. FB

“If you look at a book and see a bad cover it may be a really good story inside.” CH

“If you don’t like something from the cover, it might be really good.” PH

“If you see someone, don’t judge people by what they look like on the outside. Get to know them and it might change your opinion about them.” IW

We think we know something from looking at first but, in life, it is often more interesting and complicated when you look more closely and learn more about it. It can also mean that something that looks great to start with, can turn out to be strange when you look in more detail

Was it really dog food in the can??

Rhythmic Performances

Skiddaw class have been music mad this week. We have learnt the difference between rhythms and beats playing drums and other percussion instruments. We know the names of many obscure instruments in our collection as well as how to play them properly.

We have played as a whole class band and then worked in smaller groups choosing to perform our piece in binary (AB) form or ternary (ABA) form. After reviewing videos of our first performances we discussed how we could improve, such as positioning ourselves in a group so we can all see each other and tips and techniques about how to keep us all in time.

Here are our final performances – can you spot if they are binary or ternary form?


Visit from Tim Farron

Congratulations to all the pupils in school who designed a Christmas card for Tim Farron’s competition in December.  Today we had a very special visit – Tim came into school to present the runner up with a lovely prize.  There were just over 1000 entries across the South Lakes in total, so we are very pleased to have a pupil in school achieving the silver award and three other entries gaining ‘highly commended’!

Running Glory

Our runners showed superb determination and pure grit during Wednesday’s down pours as they ran in the Dallam cross country event. Along with hundreds of other participants Levens pupils got super muddy but still returned to school with smiles on their faces!

Congratulations to Oscar, Charlie, Harris, Dougal and Aaron for coming in the top 5 of their respective races. Huge thanks to our running dream team of Mrs Mason and Mrs Coker for their enthusiasm and commitment to training the runners of Levens School and possible future Olympians.

Here they are receiving certificates for their efforts. The photos of the day itself didn’t come out so well and are rather foggy and a little water logged!