Levens School

Scafell’s ideas about the benefits of lockdown

Despite living in uncertain and very strange circumstances, Scafell have risen to the challenge of identifying the positives of lockdown as part of their homelearning.

The have created an interesting list of ideas which they have emailed to us over the last couple of weeks, including:

  • Life is more relaxed;
  • There is less pollution;
  • We are not rushing around to different places;
  • I don’t have to get up as early;
  • I am cooking more;
  • we have more family meals together;
  • I can spend more time online and playing games on my phone;
  • I don’t have to wear school uniform;
  • I can eat lunch outside in the sunshine;
  • it is giving the environment a rest;
  • I am spending more time with the family;
  • I watch more movies;
  • we can do less school work;
  • I go on more bike rides;
  • It’s bringing our family closer together;
  • I can spend more time with my pets.

Scafell, you have shown us that we can always find positives; even when times are tough!

Thank you to everyone in year 5+6 who shared their ideas with us.


Easter Fun

Thank you to all who sent us your photos of you enjoying Easter this year. Here is a selection from Bowfell, Skiddaw and Scafell.


Skiddaw News 17.4.20

Great to see the range of activities keeping you all busy at home. Do take a look and see if there is something to inspire you to get creative and spread a smile in your world. Can you spot the rockets, alphabet hunts and rock collections, the model water cycle and thank you cards/letters/hands, ideas for rainbows (see this week’s suggestions for a twist on this) and crowns fit for King Alfred the Great!

I haven’t forgotten the potatoes we planted. Thanks to Joseph for looking after the regional variety and I have the rocket ones at home. They are both looking good but I think Joseph’s plants are bigger!

Scafell Home-Learning Hall-of-Fame!

Hello! Mr Dean here, I hope you are all staying safe and well in these strange times.

We’ve had some amazing home learning sent to us over the past few days and wanted to share a few highlights with the world! Well done to everyone who’s done something amazing in the last few weeks!

First up are some of the culinary delights you’ve sent in. From rainbow toast to birthday cakes you’ve been channeling your inner Jamie Olivers and cooking up a storm!

Next up is some incredible art – you’ve taken the challenge of decorating your home learnning books and pulled it off with style!

And last but not least, a selection of all of the great writing, maths, history and everything else in between!

Keep up the great work Scafell and make sure you keep in touch with all of the great work you’ve been doing! Who knows, maybe we’ll feature your work in a future blog!

Stay safe!
– Mr Dean.

Skiddaw News 3.4.20

Lots of interesting ideas here for you to look at and be inspired by. Your daffodil pictures in pastel, paint and crayon are beautiful as well as some history to get you thinking. Thank you to everyone who sent me photos of your work, I’m loving seeing what you are keeping busy with and hope you enjoy this selection.


Skiddaw News 27.3.20

Welcome to our new Friday blog post showing photos of what Skiddaw pupils have been up to this week. Thank you to everyone who sent in a photo here is this week’s round up with rainbows, science, stories and amazing art!

Paul Cezanne studies in Scafell

In recent weeks, Scafell have been exploring the work of Paul Cezanne, an extremely influential French artist.  We have found out about his life, his inspiration and his work; including explaining our appreciation of his paintings; before undertaking a carefully study one of our favourites.  Then we set up some ‘Cezanne-type’ still life arrangements of our own for further work using paint.

Elleray Cross Country Event

Our fabulous team of 23 runners undertook the most testing, hilly, muddy and sodden course imaginable at Elleray this week in driving rain and gale force winds – nothing like ever before!

We were astounded at performances of grit, determination and the most amazing team spirit, leaving everything on the line!

This is a fabulous group of children that we have been delighted to be involved with. Our teams were running against pupils from other schools who were two years older in some instances and still coming out in the top half of the field!

Enormous congratulations to our Year 6 boys team who raced their hearts out to finish second of twenty schools in their category, we are incredibly proud and cannot wait for it all to start again next year. Keep running…..


Archaeologists In The Making

Skiddaw class have been learning about how archaeologists work by getting their hands dirty and having a go themselves. Using special tools they worked carefully uncovering hidden finds and recording their discoveries on a grid to show where they were located. Here they are busy at work!