Levens School

Rainbow Poems

Skiddaw class looked at a poem My Colours by Colin West. Dougal, Cerys and Hettie have sent in their own fantastic versions. We hope you may be inspired to create your own by reading, watching and listening to them here…

Skiddaw News Round Up

Here is a selection of more wonderful work that has been coming to me via photos and video. Thank you to everyone who has sent me information and photos. Keep them coming, you are all amazing! Mrs W

Food and Cooking – Some pupils took part in the NFU live lesson and others have created dishes to celebrate Easter and VE Day. Talia and Miley’s Aunt and Uncle from Devon helped them create their bread and butter VE Day inspired pudding via zoom and they dressed up too!

Science – Here are lots of busy pupils working outdoors on our science theme of Living Things. Some lovely creations using bark rubbings as well as categorising animals and flowering and non-flowering plants. Joseph has kindly been looking after our potatoes and you can see they are thriving in his care – thank you Joseph!

Other photos of pupils hard at work creating sentences, making cards to thank those wonderful workers, having success with Numbots and creating marble runs. What a super selection – I’m really proud of the creativity, resilience and perseverance you are showing every week. 🙂

Bug Hotels

Across the UK, hotels and Guest Houses are closed for now, but Scafell pupils have been making sure the minibeasts in our gardens are living in luxury in their five-star accommodation! These have been created with materials collected on walks and in the local environment including: sticks, leaves, pebbles, plant pots, bricks, guttering, tubes etc.

Encouraging the right kind of bugs into our gardens helps pollinate flowers and keeps away unwanted pests, like snails too.

Here are some of the fabulous examples they’ve created so far.  Well done Scafell!

The Levens School Song

Alfie and Rebecca Jones have been very busy with dad, Darren, creating and performing this song all about Levens School! All the staff have listened to it and many were brought to tears hearing it. The giggles are just gorgeous! Thank you so much to the Jones Family for sharing their wonderful talents. Listening to this is guaranteed to brighten your day.

We’ve included the words here in the hope that many of you will sing along and we would like to set a music challenge to you all. Please learn the song so that we can sing it together for real when we are back in school in the not too distant future.

Happy Singing!

Hello from all the Staff!

This week, the staff have been taking photographs of their lives in lockdown to share with you.  We are all missing you so much and can’t wait to be in school soon.  Take a look at some of the things we’ve been up to…..

The Visitor

Scafell pupils have created some imaginative pieces of descriptive writing based on an image of a modern-day iron man.

Here are extracts from three of our talented year six writers:

Clank, clank, clank, the terrible sound of metal scraping on the ground made everyone freeze like statues.  They all looked up into the stormy sky and saw an enormous figure looming over them like a dark cloud.  Most people scattered like ants, running, screaming and shouting asking for help, “Get the army! Get the army!”


Fifty metres or more tall, the mysterious metal creature stands straight with its extended man-made arms swaying slowly by its hips.  On each of its shoulders nests a car door.  They make it look like it has a pair of metallic black wings.  Its chest is protected by a covering of steel.  Almost like armour.  Its eyes stare down at the humans, showering them in a brilliant yellow beacon of light. Blinded, the humans instinctively cower backwards, still taking pictures of the robot man edging closer to the metal fence.


Far, far away on Mercury in the city of Cury a gigantic metal creature, taller than the Eiffel Tower, had landed in front of the enormous crowd.

Her eyes, as blue as the sky, looking down on the world as bright as shining lanterns.  The metal from her armour sparkled like shining stars.

The crowd waiting with bated breath and the creature spoke.  Her voice roared like a lion…..



Photography by Scafell Pupils

Last week, our year 5 and 6 pupils had a photography challenge as part of their home learning.  Could they capture a moment in time through a lens?  In the last few weeks our lives have turned upside down, but around us there is peace, quiet, beauty, sunshine and many signs of new life.

Here is our gallery of photographs:



Skiddaw News 24.4.20

Thank you to all who sent in photos this week. Lots of excellent work in your Home Learning Books on science, history and poetry. I love to see your beautifully neat presentation, I’ve been most impressed!

Here is a selection of other photos including some very creative rainbows.