Levens School

Children In Need 2020

Children in Need this year has been a little different but rest assured we have had lots of fun and raised an amazing £166.00! All week, classes have been dipping into the BBC Five to Thrive with Joe Wicks learning about the importance of keeping connected to our family and friends, taking notice of our surroundings, keeping active and being curious and the benefits of giving and kindness. Some also tuned in to see Joe Wicks complete his amazing 24 hours of PE in a live lesson on Friday morning.

Not only have we enjoyed coming to school in comfy clothes, we have all had great fun playing Children In Need Bingo! Thank you Mrs Coker for organising such lovely prizes.

Boxes of Hope

Thank you to everyone who has created a beautiful box of gifts that have already started their journey to making one child’s Christmas.  A total of 28 boxes were collected yesterday.  Thank you Levens!

We will Remember Them

On the 11th November we came together in our playground to remember all those who have given their lives so that we can live in peace and enjoy our freedom.

Every pupil in school made a poppy out of recycled materials found at home.  They were brought to our very special outdoor service where members of year 6 read out the names of the fallen from Levens village and recited ‘In Flanders Fields’ by John McCrae.

At 11am, we marked two minutes of silence to remember and reflect.

Today each child brought their poppy to our entrance hall where they attached it to our beautiful rustic cross, kindly made by one of our very talented parents.

A Greek Banquet

To celebrate achieving 1000 class points since the beginning of term and the end of our geographical study of Greece, year 5 and 6 enjoyed a delicious banquet.   We had lots to try including: dolmades, feta cheese, hummus, Greek yoghurt with honey, tzatziki and pitta bread.   Most were even brave enough to try some octopus too!

Live link to Westminster

Our Year five and six pupils all enjoyed a live link to the Houses of Parliament as part of their learning during UK Parliament Week.

We learnt all about the House of Commons and the House of Lords, how laws are made, the role of Mr Speaker, elections, voting and much much more!

Scafell Class were quite eager to pass a bill to reduce the school week to 4 days, however Baroness Farraday and Lord Dean, who sit in the House of Lords, opposed this motion.

















UK Parliament Week at Levens

This week it is UK Parliament Week and across school we have been learning about democracy and how our country is ruled and run. You might just be able to read the questions and answers on Skiddaw’s display but can you link them up correctly?

Years 2,3 and 4 have also been learning about incredible people who have stood up for what they believed in and helped to make their country a fairer place for all. Rosa Parks’ courage and dignity, that sparked the movement that ended segregation in the USA, and Emmeline Pankhurst, who dedicated her life to fighting for women’s voting rights, are among those heroes we have learnt about who showed such strength and bravery that is still so relevant today.

We have also voted in our own elections for School Council this week. Drum rolls preceded the announcement of each successful year group representative during today’s Celebration Assembly. Well done to all who put themselves up for nomination and made such thoughtful speeches about their ideas. We have experienced Democracy in Action!

Super Science Skeletons

Did you know…

…our bones help us stand up right and move around?

…humans have over 200 bones in our skeletons?

…our back bones are also known as our spines?

…our rib cage helps to protect our soft squashy organs like our heart, lungs and stomach inside our chests?

…the longest human bone is the femur, our upper leg bone?

…calcium in milk and dairy products helps build strong bones and teeth?

Skiddaw class have been learning facts such as these in science this week. We have also made some super skeleton puppets using split pins for the joints. Here we are at the beginning stages. Working together well in our pairs meant taking turns, supporting each other and persevering with tricky details of the instructions. We all finished our puppets before the half term break – great work everyone!




Supertato in EYFS!

Today concluded the work around our final story for this half term; Supertato! The children have enjoyed the past few weeks where they have explored the story in different ways including thinking about how they can be superheroes, making superhero capes, learning about how vegetables are superheroes for our bodies, making evil pea traps and cooking and eating some delicious vegetable soup with Mrs Mason.

Celebration Assembly on Teams!

In these unusual times, we’ve been finding unusual solutions to keeping our school community connected. We’ve been holding our weekly Celebration Assemblies on Teams each Friday so that everyone in school can share in the many successes that have been recorded in our wonderful Golden Book. Here are the classes tuning in!


Part Whole Models in Maths

This week, Skiddaw class have been moving onto addition and subtraction in maths. Here are Year 2 pupils showing their understanding of how part whole models (the circles with some lines joining them) link to families of addition facts. Later in the week, they went onto look at how subtraction calculations can be represented by these part whole models too.