Levens School

Experience Christmas

Each class is Experiencing Christmas this year with a difference. Pam has kindly organised all the usual church resources for us to focus on the Christmas story in six stages in our class bubbles, spending a time each day reflecting on the message of this special story.

We were asked to think about what presents we might give to Jesus if we were visiting him. Wonderfully thoughtful suggestions included a teddy, a precious fossil, a beautiful pearl, diamonds, emeralds or rubies, a cuddly toy, my love and a house (so they didn’t need to stay in a stable).

At the final part of the story, we laid our gifts in front of the baby Jesus listening to the last verse of the carol “In the bleak mid winter” – What shall I give him, poor as I am?

Thank you so much to Pam for her wonderful organisation of all the beautiful resources we have used during Experience Christmas.  Every child in school has been able to explore all the different elements of the first Christmas in depth.

Super suffixes

Year 3 and 4 are learning to spell words with different suffixes. They had to decide between a range of different rules that we now know.

“Knock off the e and add our ending.”

“Look for one vowel, look for one consonant, double the consonant and add our ending.”

“Change the y to i and add our ending.”


“Just add our ending!”

It takes a careful look at the root word and a final check if it LOOKS right before deciding what it should be!

We had an interesting discussion on why bad+er or bad+est don’t really sound right too. Super spelling work everyone and gorgeous handwriting too.


Rock painting in the sunshine!

Here we are, in the final stages of creating their rock art pictures. Stone Age people would not have had the beautiful sunshine we enjoyed, with only a small fire or lit torch for light inside deep caves, but we had great fun mark making with chalk pastels in the colours of rock – reds, yellows, brown, black and white.

Stone Age Cave Painting

Skiddaw class are learning all about the Stone Age in history. We have begun by finding out how we know what types of animals were around in the Stone Age. Lascaux Caves were discovered by some teenagers and possibly their dog in September 1940. Paintings of bulls, oxen, horses and stags are beautifully clear and are thought to be around 15,000 years old. Drawn by Stone Age people, they also show us early humans hunting as well as animals that were around then. We took an amazing virtual tour around the many passages and caves that are now not open to public in order to preserve them.

This has inspired us to create our own cave and rock art. Here we are preparing our rock by scrunching and painting on the paper to make it look more realistic. We are also making paper mache rocks to experiment with drawing smaller creatures on. It was lovely to work outside on a sunny afternoon on Wednesday. Next week we’ll be trying our hand at drawing stone age animals on these papers with chalk pastels and paint.


Numeros en Francais

Today, years 5&6 had their first lesson of the year in French.  We have been practising reading and writing numbers up to 100.  Next, we will be recapping on French greetings, before starting our mini-topic: à l’école. 

Meet out new School Councillors

We are very pleased to be able to announce our new School Councillors for 2020-21 who have already helped lead our day of fun and fundraising for Children in Need.

Further projects this term will involve organising new outdoor play equipment for each of the class bubbles;  tidying up our school grounds; and helping to organise a very special fundraising children’s raffle!!

Homework on Greek Food

Scafell Class have produced some amazing research on Greek food as part of their work on the geography of Greece.


The Festival of Light

Reception have enjoyed learning all about Diwali – the Hindu Festival of Light which took place on Saturday the 14th November. They learnt about how people celebrate Diwali and enjoyed trying on some traditional clothing, creating Rangoli patterns, Mendhi hand patterns and making our own diya lights.

National Nursery Rhyme Week

Nursery have enjoyed taking part in National Nursery Rhyme Week this week, they have explored a different rhyme each day and enjoyed taking part in some lovely follow-up activities related to each one. Can you guess which ones we learnt?



Paper crafting

Skiddaw class have been learning 3D paper crafting skills and have had great fun creating these firework inspired pieces.