Levens School

Running Challenge Picks Up Speed!

It appears that our running challenge is picking up the pace no end with fabulous photos again this week – some children running so fast that they appear as a mere blur on the camera!

Keep it up everyone, two weeks to go and maybe we will be running in snow next week!

Running Challenge Enthusiasm!


Little did we realise in setting this challenge that everyone would rise to the task in so many different and exciting ways!

Here we see, night running, a yoga pause, obstacle courses, garden trails, bright and colourful dads giving it a go, family pets getting in on the act and of course Mr Dean in his hat who we cannot believe was running fast enough as he looks so cold!

It has cheered us up no end to see how you have coped with the cold and rain this week, We know you will all be feeling great about doing it and we are so pleased to be doing this together.

Medals are on order, looks like they will be well deserved, so keep up the pace and keep sending your pictures so that we can share, enjoy and laugh together.

Take Care and keep running!!

Temple Trouble!

Over the Christmas break, Scafell class were set the challenge of researching and building their very own Greek temple from recycled materials. Not being able to bring them into school, we put the call out for pictures to be sent in. The response has been phenomenal! The Scafell class email has been groaning with the (virtual) weight of dozens of meticulously hand-crafted temples, complete with detailed friezes, smart column designs and intricate brickwork. We’ve been absolutely blown away by the time and dedication that is clear to see here, and no two temples are the same! Not only do they look beautiful, but it is clear that real skill has gone into their construction. Taking inspiration from Greek temples from history, the use of columns, walls and pitched roofs gives them a sense of strength and sturdiness.

A huge thank you to everyone who sent a picure (or several!) in to us. We’ve tried to showcase each and every one, so have a look through the gallery and see if you can spot yours!

Peace at Last!

We are looking forward to welcoming back all our Reception and Nursery pupils tomorrow, as well as saying hello to some new faces!

This week, much of our learning is based around the book ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy.  We have challenges outdoors as well as activities inside for you to explore too.

Can you make a comfy bed where Mr Bear can sleep in our junk-modelling area?

Can you sequence the story using the illustrations?

Can you help sort the bears into the correct colours and sizes?

There are some buttons to put on the bears in our funky-fingers area too.


We look forward to having lots of fun in our learning this week!

Attendance at Levens CE School

Congratulations to all our pupils who achieved 100% attendance in the autumn term.

Here are just a few of our amazing attenders, who all received a certificate and small prize at the end of term.  Well done everyone!

Making Shortbread

Skiddaw rounded off the term as they began with their favourite activity … cooking! Here we are measuring all our own ingredients carefully and following our shortbread recipes. Every pupil enjoyed eating their biscuit too – delicious! We thought it would be lovely to take some shortbread biscuits to those people in the village that we have been sorry not to see this term. Year 4 delivered the carefully sealed packages to let them know we have been missing them and to wish them a very Happy Christmas! It has been lovely to read the thank you messages from grateful recipients.   

Thank you very much to Mrs Mason for being head chef, organising all the ingredients and equipment, and for keeping such a close eye on the timer so that all the biscuits came out perfectly cooked – not an easy task with our oven! What a splendid way to finish a busy term.


Self-portraits by Scafell

Over the last few weeks, year 5 and year 6 have been exploring the work of Julien Opie and creating their own self-portraits.

Julien Opie is a British, contemporary artist who creates distinctive depictions of figures, landscapes and most famously, portraits.  His work is highly stylised with black outlines and solid blocks of flat colour.

Pupils in Scafell have captured their facial features and characteristics in these striking ‘pop-art’  paintings.



Skara Brae and Stonehenge

We are learning about the New Stone Age or Neolithic this week in history. Here we are creating models of amazingly in tact Stone Age constructions that we can still see today, perhaps nearly 5000 years after they were built!

Year 3 and 2 were learning about the world famous Skara Brae on the Orkney Islands. It was only discovered in 1850 and is a small village of 8 houses linked together with covered tunnels. You didn’t need to put your coat on to visit your neighbours here!

Year 4 researched Stonehenge, another very famous Neolithic construction made up of circles of stones which took hundreds of years to construct. Like us adding extensions to our houses, Neolithic people kept changing things at Stonehenge so it developed over a long time with new stones being added or the existing ones being moved.

We had a great time this morning, creating models with construction kits. The colours aren’t quite right of course but by using our imagination we made furniture and stones that Neolithic people might have recognised!

Here we are…


Clean Water Challenge!

In their materials topic, Scafell have been looking at ways to separate mixtures. Having looked at the theory, today was our chance to put our learning into practice.

Our challenge was to take a jug of dirty water (complete with stones, mud & leaves!) and use the materials provided to separate the clean water out. Each team used a range of approaches, including sieving, filtering and decanting the mixture – sometimes a few times over – to end up with something that looked much cleaner!

Everyone worked extremely well as part of a team, and all teams made great inroads into purifying their water. Next up – why might this be useful? What situations can you think of where cleaning and purifying water would be useful?


EYFS are feeling frosty!

The children in Early Years have been learning about the polar regions this week and taken part in some fascinating activities including investigating how ice melts with ‘ice volcanoes’, how polar animals manage to keep warm and playing with gloop and snow dough! Reception also looked at a map of the world to see where we live and where the polar regions are in relation to us. They found out about which animals live in each pole too.