Levens School

Reception hunt for signs of Spring!

On Friday we braved the winds and showers to hunt for signs of Spring. We talked about how the world around us is beginning to change and that it will soon be Easter time. We turned into nature detectives and went for a bracing walk around our playing fields and school grounds and we were really surprised how many things we managed to spot when we looked really carefully.

Feeling Good in Skiddaw

Wow, Skiddaw class have been settling back into school by reading and sharing two wonderful but very different stories – The Secret Sky Garden by Linda Sarah and The Promise by Nicola Davies. In these very different tales, the characters both turn to being outside, nature, music, friendship and colour to help them feel good. We’ve followed their lead and have been doing the same!

The children told me today the highlights of their first week back have included…

  • painting colourful kite pictures
  • playing with friends
  • playing games of tig together and running a mile or more
  • playing musical cup games and drumming
  • reading chapters of our class story – The Ickabog
  • using our amazing imaginations in drama to create believable back stories for characters and
  • planting seeds and putting up our new bird feeder

See some snapshots here of our week.

Amazing Art from Year 5 + 6

This term, Scafell Class have produced the most creative and original work in their unit on line, colour and pattern.  All of which has been completed at home through a carefully planned sequence of work delivered via recorded lessons on Teams.  The quality of this work has been outstanding.

We began by looking at the work of Carolee Clark who produces very bold, colourful portrayals of the things around her including: animals, buildings, people and studies of fruit.

Scafell have been studying in detail her use of colour, line and pattern as seen from this collection of pieces sent in to us recently:

We have learnt the difference between tints, tones and shades to make a wider range of colours in our palettes:


And finally, we have created our own pieces of original work inspired by the artist by applying all the skills, knowledge and understanding over the final two weeks of lessons:

Displays around our School

Look at some of the lovely new displays around school to celebrate all your learning at home and your amazing achievements in running and cooking too!

Final Foodie Challenge – Pizzas!

The very last of our three challenges over recent weeks really seems to have ignited plenty of imagination.

We have chocolate pizzas, hotdog pizzas, and barbecue pizzas!

Well done everyone, including parents who no doubt had to tidy up afterwards. Mrs Mason has a nice surprise for all entrants this week to welcome you back to school.

Drool worthy photos attached.

Keeping our School safe!

World Book Day Characters

Lots of the staff in school have been dressing up this week as part of our World Book Day celebrations.  Can you work out who we are?

Let us know who you think we are when you return to school on Monday and don’t forget to send us your photographs for our display in the hall too!

World Book Day Story Time

Welcome to our Levens Story Time blog! World Book Day is on Thursday this week and so to celebrate all things books staff have recorded special story time videos, introducing you to a wide range of different favourite books, for you to sit back and enjoy. I’ll be adding more each day this week, so click on these blue links below to see us…




Mrs Farraday read Pass the Jam Jim by Kaye Umansky and Margaret Chamberlain


Mrs Haslam reads Sugarlump and the Unicorn by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks

Mr Dean reads an extract from Danny Champion of the World by Roald Dahl


Miss Eastham reads The Ugly Five by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler


Mrs Mackereth reads Dogger by Shirley Hughes

Mrs Wadey reads The Kite by Arnold Lobel


Mrs Farraday reads an extract from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C S Lewis

Mrs Coker reads Bad Cat! by Nicola O’Byrne