Levens School

Problems With Plastics

Skiddaw class are learning all about materials in science. We watched a live BBC lesson all about the problems of plastics in our oceans. This inspired us to make posters to help others understand what they can do to help. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a clear and easy way for everyone to make a difference.

Here are some of our designs.

Around Europe with Scafell Class

Flights to another country may be all but a distant memory right now, but Scafell are getting stuck into their new geography topic on Europe with great gusto. For our first homework, we’ve been collecting photographs and mementos from around Europe. We’ve now placed all of these on a world map so that we can see where the different countries are in relation to each other. Take a look at our map below – from Scotland to Slovenia, London to Lanzarote, you can see great examples of both physical and human geographical features.

Thanks to everyone who bought in something for the display. Most original items have been photocopied to keep them safe, so they will be returned soon!

Experience Easter 2021

This year, our new outdoor classroom area was the main focus for Experience Easter. Each day this week, classes have taken time to reflect on different stages of the Easter story – The Garden of Gethsemane, Caiaphas’s Courtyard, Golgotha and the Garden Tomb. We finished with planting seeds and colouring butterflies as signs of new life. Thank you to Pam Martin for providing all the content and to Miss Butler and Mrs Haslam for preparing us in school and creating our visual scene settings each morning. St John’s Church is hosting a similar event in the church grounds this week and have extended an open invite all members of the community to Experience Easter for themselves.

Happy Easter everyone!

Bridge Building Challenge!

We’ve rounded the end of term off in style this time – Scafell have been designing and building bridges!

From studying famous bridges around the world, we found out the types of tricks engineers use to make their constructions strong, light and as cheap as possible. We looked at lots of different engineering methods to join and construct the sections of our bridge, thinking carefully about the parts that were in tension and compression. We found out about the strongest types of shape, and how to reinforce sections of cardboard so that they are strong in lots of different directions.. We made our own cardboard ply for the decks of our bridges, used triangle beams to support them and used plates, tabs and flanges to allow us to screw the bridges together.


Have a look at the media gallery below to check out our creations – some were super strong and able to hold over 5 kilograms, others had a massive span of over a meter! Well done to everyone who took part, especially those who tried, failed and tried again until their design was just right!




Eggstraordinary Eggs and Hats!

Lots of our pupils have risen to the challenge again this week with some incredibly inventive, original and carefully crafted creations.  Thank you to everyone who took part!

Year One Easter Egg balloons

Year One have been learning about the significance of Easter for Christians this term and finding out about some of the ways they mark the celebration. They have found out about why signs of Spring signify that Easter is on its way and made the connection between new life and the happier part of the Easter story when Jesus comes back to life. They also found out about the importance of the colour purple at Easter time and have made their own Easter egg balloons which they decorated with pictures related to Easter.

Baking in Year 1

Year 1 enjoyed some practical learning on Friday morning baking Abbey Biscuits.

This was a great opportunity to put many different skills into practice and share a wide range of knowledge that included some incredible maths facts!! We collaborated in two teams to create these delicious tasty treats.

Year 6 Learning about Circles

Year 6 have been learning the vocabulary for different parts of a circle including: circumference, diameter, chord, radius, sector and arc.

We also learnt that you can calculate the radius of a circle if you know its diameter as the radius is exactly half the length of the diameter.  Of course, you can also find the diameter of a circle if you know the radius!

We enjoyed being in the outdoors to find the diameter and radius of circles during our lesson.

Red Nose Day Fun

Red Nose Day wasn’t quite like in other years but we all entered into the spirit of raising money for this very good cause. We started the day with our Celebration Assembly finding out how our money makes a big difference to many children and adults in the UK and across the world.

The children really impressed us with their creativity and originality with amazing Red Nose Day bandanas, masks, headbands or eye patches. School Councillors had the very tricky job of judging the competition. There were wonderful examples of reusing old red noses and other materials you already had at home rather than new plastic that would just be thrown away after one use. Thank you to all who made such super efforts to take part in a more environmentally friendly way and thank you for helping to raise £70 for those who aren’t as fortunate as ourselves.



Digestion in all its glory!

Skiddaw class have been learning all about food digestion in all its glory. See us here, following the path our food takes through our bodies using biscuits, water, orange juice and tights! We’ve been learning all the scientific words like oesophagus and intestines and we are now experts in how our amazing bodies use the nutrients in our food to give us energy. Lots of great facial expressions here…