Levens School

Day for Ukraine

Thank you for your support on our ‘Day for Ukraine’ last Friday which raised a staggering £452, which included a very generous donation from one pupil’s grandfather.

Every penny will be forwarded to one of the DEC’s (Disaster Emergency Committee) 15 charities to support refugees affected by this terrible crisis in Ukraine.

Next week, every child will be involved in a democratic vote to decide which charity they would like to support, following some input from Class 4 about how the charities that are members of DEC help people in crisis all around the world.

World Book Day Wonders

Here are a selection of our amazing sock puppets of special book characters made to celebrate World Book Day 2022. We came together as a school to share our puppets and awarded prizes of £5 book tokens, kindly donated by FOLS.

We all loved your creativity and marveled at the many different ways you thought of to decorate your puppets. Thank you for all your hard work. 

In Assembly, Rev Bryan’s told us all about one of the most famous books in the world – The Bible. It is made up of different types of writing like poems, letters and biographies and was written by lots of different men and women. He showed us some Bibles written in different languages too – the one pictured below is in Hebrew.

After school, FOLS held a second hand book and hot chocolate stall – it was really popular and was great to see such a buzz around books with children recommending titles to each other and spotting books by authors they love – all for a bargain price! Thank you to FOLS for running this and to all who kindly donated and bought such lovely quality books which have now found new homes.


Anglo Saxon Settlements

Class 3 have been really enjoying their history topic all about Anglo Saxons. They have worked very hard on a special homework task over the past two weeks. After researching Anglo Saxon villages, they set about presenting their research in creative ways – some made models, others drew pictures and some created digital representations using Minecraft. An amazing array of wonderful work was proudly shown to the whole school in Celebration Assembly on Friday. Well done all and thank you for the extra time and effort that has undoubtedly gone into your work.


Class 2 Leading Assembly

We furthered our understanding of this term’s Christian Value of Compassion with Class 2 leading us in assembly.

In RE they had been exploring the parable The Lost Son. They shared their work with us by reading two retellings and quizzed us on the themes and meaning of the story.

They shared prayers they had written in our reflection time.

Thank you so much Miss Robinson and Class 2.

(Class) Four’s Fabulous Fairtrade Fortnight!

Fair Trade: What It Is, How It Works and How You Can Help | Treading My Own Path | Less waste, less stuff, sustainable living

At Levens, we have been celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight. Through our key-stage assemblies in recent weeks, we have been learning about the FairtradeFairtrade logo and symbol, meaning, history, PNG Foundation and what it means for a product to be “Fairtrade”. We’ve found out about the conditions that workers around the world sometime have to endure to produce some of the products we take for granted, including bananas, chocolate and even footballs! However, when we buy a product that has the Fairtrade symbol on it, we know that the producer of that product has been paid fairly for the work they have done.

We also learned about the Fairtrade Premium, which is an extra pot of money which Fairtrade producers can access and spend in their communities on a variety of improvements. In class, we role-played this and put ourselves in the shoes of the Ghanaian cocoa farming community. Different groups had different ‘roles’ within the community and had to decide what to spend the money on.

We found that it was fairly easy to agree how to spend the money in a small group of people with the same job, but incredibly hard to decide when different people had different wants and needs! After debating for a long while we made our decision by democratic vote.

In grey – the decisions we made in a group of people with the same role. In orange – what we changed our mind on when debating with the class!

For our homework, we had a range of activities to choose from, all based on Fair Trade. Some of us have created comics, some posters, some art, but my favourite of all has been the three separate Fairtrade chocolate based recipes which the class has been lucky enough to enjoy! Well done to everyone who has got themselves into the spirit of Fair Trade, and a huge thanks to Pam Martin for all of her help in championing Fair Trade in our school.

Reading Buddies

Year 6 visited EYFS today to hear their Reception buddies read.  Reception were thrilled to have the opportunity to share books with their friends and Year 6 were incredibly positive and inspiring reading role models.

Sketch Books in Years 5+6

Inspired by the items found in the tombs of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, including Tutankhamen himself, Class 4 have been exploring line, tone, colour and shape in their sketch books.

We used a range of media including oil pastels, watercolours, chalk pastels, drawing pencils and ink pens.

Class 3’s Catapults

Mr Dean has been working with Class 3 for a design technology project all about catapults. We have used lolly sticks and elastic bands to create the frame and had great fun pinging pom poms with our finished catapults.

Great patience, dexterity and following of instructions shown.

Class 2 Trip to Beatrix Potter World and Brockhole

What a brilliant day we have had on our school trip!

The first part of the day was spent at Beatrix Potter World where we met Tim the Gardener and even Beatrix Potter herself. We learnt lots about her life, the inspirations behind her books and the characters featured in them. We also had fun completing an activity trail and loved exploring Mr. McGregor’s garden.

Then we hopped back onto the bus and made our way to Brockhole. We enjoyed our picnic lunch (indoors) and then learnt about some of the animals and their habitats featured in Beatrix Potter’s books through the centre’s new exhibition. Despite the weather we braved the outdoors and had a great time exploring the grounds. We identified physical and human features and completed the Beatrix Potter trail to find out more about the animals in her books.

Puzzling Perimeter

Y4 have been puzzling over how long the sides of a rectangle could be if the perimeter was 20cm. They worked systematically to make sure they had all the possible solutions, It was easier with a system too!

They then used their system to work out if it had a perimeter of 40cm.

Super systematic solving!