Levens School

Reception have a ‘splashing’ time at YMCA!

What an incredible day we have had at Lakeside today! We started on the blue tube slides, really challenging ourselves through a maze of tunnels and slides. Even Mrs Haslam enjoyed it! Next we got togged up in buoyancy aids and helped to carry our boats onto the lake, having a ‘splashing’ time in the water which included a makeshift slide. Everyone was ready for lunch after a busy morning.  We then had a lovely time in the sunshine enjoying our natural surroundings, playing hide and seek and finding interesting natural objects. Ring games finished off our afternoon perfectly before heading home where some of us caught up on 40 winks! A wonderful day was had by all!


The Best of Days at YMCA

Class 3 have just returned from an AMAZING day at YMCA – what a way to begin our half term. There were many notable personal triumphs today with children showing resilience, huge courage and a willingness to try something new.  Their support for each other was also very strong so that everyone had a day filled with good memories.

With the weather on our side, we enjoyed a giant obstacle course which ended in a very muddy boggy area which we had to literally walk the planks over. We learned to fire arrows with a bow – not something that is easy by any means. We also sailed out into the middle of Windermere in one large boat, working together to propel it along, singing at the tops of our voices and playing all sorts of fun games. The instructors Amber and Andrew were wonderful and they really enjoyed their day with such keen, eager and polite pupils who were a credit to Levens School! A big thank you to all who helped us raise the funds for these special YMCA days through our marathon challenge last year – this was a very worthwhile and wonderful experience.



Money Money Money

Class 3 have been learning all about money in maths recently. Here they are totaling up how much money they have and using different strategies to do this efficiently. They are getting quick and accurate at doing this in partners and independently. We have also been looking closely at our British coins – they make up a shield shape if you have one of each!

Platinum Jubilee

On Wednesday, we enjoyed a wonderful day of celebration for the Queen’s Jubilee.

The day started with an assembly giving thanks for our Queen and designing and making clay plaques to commemorate the occasion.

During the afternoon we enjoyed traditional games in our playground including What’s the time Mr Wolf, Fire on the Mountain and Hopscotch.  It was lovely to see the children from all across our school playing together happily.

Next we moved into our brightly decorated hall to watch snippets of the Coronation, eat delicious refreshments and sing the National Anthem at our indoor street-party.

After all the restrictions of Covid over the last two years, this was an amazing way to end this half term!

Eco Team Update

Our Eco Team have been busy today. Taking part in the Great Cumbrian Litter Pick, they ventured onto the playfields with our litter pickers and searched out and cleaned up the area. We mostly found plastic bits, some of which were very tricky to pick up with our grabbers!

We also held our termly second hand uniform sale – special thanks to Cherry and Josh on Eco Team for setting up the stall at lunchtime and to Josh for staying after school to sell and put things away. We will be hosting these second hand uniform sales every term so please keep safe any suitably clean and good quality uniform and PE kits to send in when we let you know the next date.


Crime and Punishment

Year 5 + 6 enjoyed a thought-provoking, informative and engaging trip to the Police Museum and Victorian Courthouse in Ripon.

In our topic so far we have been looking at law and order in earlier times including during The Roman Empire, Anglo-Saxon Britain and during the 18th century when over 200 crimes were punishable by death.  During out visit this week, our attention was turned to the 19th century with the introduction of prisons, the police force (originally know as the ‘Peelers’) and The House of Correction!

During the afternoon, we had an opportunity to travel back in time 200 years to a Victorian Courthouse.   Taking the identities of all sorts of different characters, we role-played the trial of William Stokes who was accused of taking a horse and cart from a local farmer.  Despite the range of evidence that almost proved his guilt, the jury overwhelmingly decided on his innocence.  In Victorian times he would have undoubtedly been hanged, but in our discussions, this 21st century jury were  not convinced beyond reasonable doubt that he was the perpetrator and therefore believed that justice could only be served by his release.

Barrow Raiders School of The Week

Well, technically ‘School of the Week’, but we reckon ‘School of the Season!’ Have we ever had a better time or been looked after so well as at our visit to the Barrow Raiders ground in Barrow last Sunday. Almost 80 of us filled the stand and cheered and applauded as though lives depended on it. Tee, Anton and Ellis, who on Fridays can be seen training our little people on the Levens Playing Fields, were giving their all in front of a crowd of 2,400 supporters to come out victorious against fellow Cumbrian side, Workington.

The  children were involved at various stages through the game and the wonderful players could not have been kinder at the end of the match, signing as many autographs and posing for as many pictures as required!



Barrow Raiders Meet EYFS

Over the last few weeks, Nursery and Reception have been learning some new skills and are beginning to understand more about this amazing game.

We can now name the different parts of a rugby ball, know how to throw and catch a rugby ball, can score a try and know how to ‘tag’ an opponent too!

Friday afternoons are so much fun with our amazing coaches!



A Shocking Series of Lessons

Class 4 have been getting stuck into their science topic this term by constructing electrical circuits! We’ve learned what a circuit needs in order to function, we’ve built a range of different circuits and we’ve also tested the impact of making changes to our circuits.

Once we’ve learned all we can, we will be using our Design and Technology skills to then build a “Steady Hand” game to take home. Take a look at the gallery below for a sneak-peek into our process!