Remembrance 100

Today we were visited by a serving soldier, Paul, and Jude from Cumbria’s Museum of Military Life in Carlisle, They are touring many Cumbrian schools raising awareness of Remembrance and why this year is a special 100 year anniversary.

Our junior pupils met our visitors and learned…

It was interesting to see an actual memorial plaque that was given to the next of kin of all service personnel who were killed as a result of the First World War.

I saw a photo of a real poppy that a solider saved in his hymn book.

I learned that medals can be different colours and given for different things.

Family members can wear medals, given to someone who has died, on Remembrance Day on the right side of their jackets.

I learnt that soldiers now, often go to countries to try to keep the peace rather than go to fight,

We were encouraged to go home, talk to our family members and find out about anyone close to us that was involved in any of the World Wars.