The Eco-Team is a group of eager representatives from each year group across school, who plan ways of making our school more environmentally friendly. This can be in the form of organising litter picks, taking part in Switch Off Fortnight and running coffee afternoons for raising the profile of suitable causes such as Fair Trade.
Our Eco Team often venture out into our community with our litter pickers. We mostly find plastic bits, some of which were very tricky to pick up with our grabbers!
We also hold pre-loved uniform sales throughout the school year. We host these sales regularly so please look out for dates on our calendar. We are always on the look-out for good quality uniform and PE kits if you are able to donate.
Our Eco Team also get involved in a wider local community projects such as Greening Levens and we work closely with the community in our garden| Our eco-inspired work often involves a series of small challenges to encourage us all to take our next steps in reducing our carbon footprint. In our community garden we have been involved in planting trees, bee-friendly plants, growing vegetables and we recently raised money to purchase a hedgehog house.
Currently, we are also taking part in the Cumbria Baa-ttery Campaign to collect used batteries so that the precious metals contained in them can be re-used and so that waste management sites do not continue to have fires on site – this is a significant problem in Cumbria. Meet Super-ewe, our local battery hero-sheep who is on a mission to get every family in Cumbria disposing of batteries safely! To find out more read this leaflet:
The Baa-ttery Campaign – Leaflet (1)
We often support the United Nations World Environment Day. This is an opportunity to question what contribution we are making to reduce the catastrophic footprint humans make on our very precious planet; before it’s too late.
Year 5 & 6 wrote poems on an environmental theme and Years 2,3 &4 learnt more about plastic pollution and designed eye catching posters to spread the word. It is so important for us all to feel each one of our small contributions add up to make a huge difference. What have you done today to work towards a cleaner, better world?