

Primary National Curriculum - Science

Science Curriculum Map

Curriculum Milestones - SCIENCE


At Levens CE School, we aim to deliver a high-quality science education to provide a foundation for understanding the world. Science has changed our lives and is vital for the world’s future prosperity. Our pupils are taught essential aspects of the methods and principles of scientific enquiry and the body of knowledge, processes and uses of science.  We encourage all to recognise the power of rational explanation through an understanding of how science is used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave and analyse causes; as well as develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. We aim to encourage an appreciation of how scientific knowledge is open to revision in light of new evidence. 


Our science curriculum is taught through topics on a 2 year rolling programme based on the programmes of study in the National Curriculum. Topics, key learning and knowledge are revisited throughout a pupil’s time at Levens in a cyclical and progressive nature.

In EYFS science is taught within the ‘Understanding of the World’ area of the new framework where concepts such as light, plants and growing, materials, space and senses are introduced and explored, using the outdoors, making observations, drawing pictures, practically investigating and discussing scientific ideas.

In Key Stage 1, children build on these experiential foundations learning specifics about plants, animals and materials alongside beginning to work scientifically by being guided to carry out and record appropriate investigations. In Key Stage 2, pupils extend their knowledge with further work on these and other topics such as sound, electricity and evolution. Their studies also encompass developing their understanding and application of using the scientific method to plan, explore fair testing, conduct investigations, measure and record data with the aim of developing independence in this process and in drawing conclusions based on their original hypothesis.


Assessments of science are drawn from a range of sources. These include contributions and responses to discussions and practically carrying out scientific tasks as well as quizzes at the end of topics assessing knowledge and understanding of key learning objectives as set out in the National Curriculum. Our progression of skills assessment grids enable us to recognise attainment according to age related expectations from each topic.