Daily archives: 12th March 2025

Class 4’s Edinburgh Blog

Class 4 have been hard at work writing their own versions of the blog for this year’s Edinburgh trip. Enjoy their stories and highlights below!!

Edinburgh school blog – AB

This week, we enjoyed three amazing days in the incredible city of Edinburgh!

We all enjoy our amazing trip but it wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the amazing teachers who took us. Mr Dean, Mrs Farraday, Mrs Coker, Mrs Matheson and Mrs Mason. On the first day we dumped our bags at the youth hostel then walked up Calton hill and there was some incredible views. Every time there is something new and this time we went to the art gallery and saw some indescribable paintings. We went to the classic camera obscura. When we went the The spinning vortex gave us a head ache. We also went to the zoo which  was some of our favourite part. The tigers coat was really shiny and  beautiful. A full of energy sun bear pacing up and down and a playful gibbon peeling a  banana. On the last day we went to the Museum there we saw some crystals and stuffed animals.


This past week we have done some amazing things in the amazing city of Edinburgh. Our amazing jouney began on the train at 08:23 we had packed our bags we were ready to go our parents came to wave us off at the train station the jouney was long and tiring then eventually got there. When we got to the Youth Hostel it was really nice. But unfotunatly we didn’t get to see our rooms yet. We had to put our bags down but I was happy about that because they were really slowing me down then we went to Colton Hill we had lunch and it was really nice. Then we walked to Colton Hill and it was really nice after that we went to an art gallery it was amazing. The art gallery had some really good paintings we all loved them they were so good. Then we went to the hostal and found out who is in who’s room and it was really hard to get sleep. The next day was amazing we went to camera obscura and Edinburgh zoo, camera obscura was awesome it had so many illusions and they were so cool. One even gave me an electric shock.

Edinburgh – CS, ABM, CG, DP, HBM

All of Class 4 have been looking forward to this day for ages and it has finally came. On the first day all of us arrived at the train station packed ready for Edinburgh. We said good bye to our parents and got on the train at 08:23. All of us put our stuff on the magical floating objects (the racks)above our heads and played some games.
When we arrived at Edingburgh we had a long walk to the Youth- Hostel and ate our lunch there. Then we went to Calton Hill, we had a steep walk up all of the steps and we arrived at the top of Calton Hill. We had a moment to take some pictures of the view and the monuments until we split off into three groups. Then we sketched some pictures of the scottish monuments and some other stuff including the view of Edinburgh. We went down Calton hill and went to the National art Gallery. We saw some cool pictures and we had to find cartain ones for our art trail. We had to right some facts about the too. We went to Nandos for tea after the art gallery and had some amazing ice-cream.

Edinburgh Trip 2025 – GH & IH

This year class 4 have enjoyed a wonderful trip to Edinburgh for our traditional residential. We all have been looking forward to this trip for months and we are sad it has ended. Although we are excited to share our journey with you.
Our adventure started by waking up early in the morning to catch our train to Edinburgh. As soon as we got onto the train we found our seats and set of on the journey of a life-time.
When we got off at Edinburgh, Waverly station we took a half an hour walk up to our hostel to drop our night bags off. After that, we set of up Calton hill, there we saw beautiful views of the wonderful city of Edinburgh. After that, we walked back down Calton hill to the Art Gallery. We saw amazing painting of forests to city’s and more. Then we went to Nando’s for tea. We had a lovely dinner there and we enjoyed sitting with our friends.
Thursday started of with a great breakfast and then a walk to camera obscura. Our favourite things there were the mirror maze and the spinney vortex. Next we all went to the zoo on a public bus.(which was our best part as well.)We saw tigers, lions, giraffes, flamingos, red pandas and koalas.
Friday was our last day at Edinburgh, we were all very sad. First we had another amazing breakfast. Then we went to the museum. The museum was so cool with all the exibits like space, African, fasion and the stuffed animals. After that, we made our way down to the ground floor and had our lunch. Then we made our way to the train station. Finally we got on our tain home.

Blog – EM, ER

The other week Class 4 went to the beautiful, historic city of Edinburgh. We started off the trip by getting a very exiting train journey to Waverly station. First, we walked down the royal mile and were listening to the teachers talking about all the history of the famous road. Then, we walked up Calton Hill and did some sketching. Next, we went to the Scottish National art gallery and did some fun activities including step into a picture. Finally, to finish off the day we went for tea at Nando’s which was delicious!
Thursday, we went to the fasanating Camera Obscura a museum of optical illusions. Then we finally went to Edinburgh Zoo and saw some: Koalas, Sun bares, Penguins, Geckos, Meerkats, and red pandas which were very cute😊. Friday, we finished off our visit at Edinburgh by walking to a big museum full of wonderful artifacts and historic adventures.
We all enjoyed our time so much that we never wanted to leave. Thankyou teachers for such a big effort in ensuring our trip to Edinburgh would be fantastic.

Edinburgh 2025 – KA, JS, IB

This past week Class 4 have had a thrilling three days away at Edinburgh.
Our trip started with an early meet at Oxenholme station where we headed north to Edinburgh Waverly station. After arriving in Edinburgh, dropping off our bags at the hostel and picking up our hats we walked up Calton hill for some miraculous views of Edinburgh. In the afternoon we went to the National art gallery. We saw paintings by Van Gogh, Henry Raeburn, Paul Gauguin and many more.
On Thursday we started the day with delicious breakfast to get some energy for the long day ahead of us. The day started a visit to Camera obscura for the morning. This was a highlight a among the class. We all loved the mirror maze, vortex tunnel and the tour of the camera obscura. Then we started making are way towards the bus stop where we got on a bus to Edinburgh Zoo. When we got there, we split into our groups and looked at the sun bear, tiger, lion, kangaroo, capybara and many more!

Edinburgh Residential – LW, DB

This week class 4 enjoyed three amazing days in the incredible city of Edinburgh. Our trip began bright and early on a Wednesday morning with a meet at Oxenholme station for our Long train journey. On the way up, it started to snow and it got all of our excitement Higher. Finally, our time came to come off the train and drop our bags off at the hostel And set off to Colton Hill And see the amazing views. We took a walk down to the art gallery and did step into the picture We saw the famous painting the monarch of the glen. Then we all took a Long walk to Nando’s .The food there was delicious. Then We took along walk back to the hostel Found out who we were sleeping with. Got settled and unpacked our stuff, and then we rode our postcards. After that it was good night.

The next morning, we had a big delicious breakfast to get us ready for the rest of the day. We took a long walk to the Royal Mile put our post cards into the post box, and then we took a walk to camera obscura. It was amazing .Then after that we went to the zoo.

Edinburgh 2025 – LW, MW

This week we all had a great time we all went to an Art gallery, the Zoo, camera obscura , tea at Nando’s. At camera obscura we went to a mirror maze and we all hurt our heads a lot and probably came home with a headache none of this trip would be possible if we didn’t have the best teacher with us to help.
At the zoo we All had an amazing time. We saw animals like Capybaras and Peacocks We had our lunch at The zoo. We got nervous in case of seagull come down and eats our food one flew over H’s Head . It was so annoying when we had to leave the Zoo + the animals.

The selection of photographs below has also been chosen by the children!