Monthly archives: January 2025

Class One explore light and shadows

The Gruffalo’s Child has been our our book of the week and has prompted us to explore light and shadows. We have talked about different light sources and that shadows are formed when something blocks a light source. We had lots of fun in the classroom using the light box and puppets to reenact the story. The beautiful weather on Wednesday allowed us to experience shadows outside in the playground, where we drew around each other as well as some of our big dinosaurs!

Art in Class 2!

Bob has been doing some wonderful art with Class 2. They are learning about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and relating this to our English topic of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Reception visit Martin Mere!

We experienced a wonderful, action packed day on Wednesday, when we visited Martin Mere Wetland Centre in Lancashire. This supported our learning from the autumn term about migration and Chris, our guide for the day, taught us all about the migration of swans to the UK. We were able to see the swans up close during feeding time and even learned a flamingo dance! The highlight of our day however was a visit to see the otters!


A term of Art in Class 4

A huge thank you goes out from Class 4 to Bob Sutcliffe who taught a term of art up to Christmas. Class 4 produced some absolutely fabulous creations and learned so much from an expert!

A summary of our work is below for you to get a feel for what we have been up to. Don’t miss our dragon eyes which are currently decorating our entrance hall area!


Eva the guide dog puppy visits Class One!

Children in Nursery and Reception enjoyed a visit from Mrs Farraday’s guide dog puppy Eva this week. She received lots of attention from all the children and staff and explored the smells, sights and sounds of the classroom. Reception are looking forward to reading to her next week!

X Country Running at Casterton

This week our intrepid x-country runners braved freezing temperatures and a very challenging terrain to compete in the schools cross country event at Casterton.  After several weeks of attending our Friday running club in preparation and a warm-up event at Dallam School, 10 runners decided to brave the elements to go for gold again.

The photos clearly show their determination, focus and stamina as they raced against over 80 other competitors in each event.  All of our children were overjoyed to share their achievements in our Celebration Assembly this morning and were suitably congratulated by the whole school who were in awe of their courage and resilience.   Two children have also qualified for the county finals coming up later this month.

Thanks to all the family members who supported us with getting the children to the event AND for all the encouragement cheering them along the way on the side lines.