Nature Journaling in Class 4

What a lovely sunny afternoon! The perfect day to get outside and enjoy the nature around us 🙂

Today, Georgina from the CDEC visited us to teach us about nature journaling. The first thing we needed to do was look very closely at the world around us. What kinds of biodiversity (different types of plants and animals) could we find?

We started with plants, finding all sorts of wildflowers and grasses in the green spaces near us – the community garden, the play park and the field. Then we had a look for living things – a wonderful variety of bugs, spiders and minibeasts.

Our task was to then look as closely as we could. What did we notice about their looks? Their smells? How they moved? We recorded these observations through drawing and writing, creating pages filled with our observations.

I certainly enjoyed myself – try it in a green space near you and see what you can find!