Lancashire Police & Crime Museum

As the school year draws to a close, Class 4 have managed to sneak one final trip in! This time, the Lancashire Police and Crime Museum. This outing was not just a break from routine but a fitting conclusion to our in-depth exploration of crime and punishment throughout history. The museum visit provided a tangible connection to our studies, making the concepts we had discussed in the classroom come alive.

Set in the former prison of Lancaster Castle, the building itself, steeped in history, set the tone for the day. Walking through its doors felt like stepping back in time, as we were greeted by exhibits showcasing the evolution of crime and law enforcement since the establishment of the Lancashire Constabulary. The museum’s extensive collection included everything from Victorian truncheons to more modern policing equipment, giving us a comprehensive view of how crime, punishment and policing have evolved.

A particularly engaging aspect of the museum was its focus on local developments in policing and crime. The museum highlighted significant events and figures in Lancashire’s law enforcement history: we explored exhibits detailing the region’s notorious criminals and landmark cases from the local area.

And of course, we loved dressing up in some police equipment ourselves!