Daily archives: 30th May 2024


We have loved learning about rainforests this half term. We have looked at the climate and location, layers, animals and their importance and the threats they are facing. We have written some fantastic persuasive letter to Mr Sunak to convince him that he needs to act to stop deforestation.  We have also created our own rainforests in shoeboxes. They are all fabulous!



Outdoor Science

Mr Dean set us the challenge of taking our Science ‘Electricity’ outdoors. So, Class Three rose to this challenge!

We used light meters to investigate where would be the best place to put solar panels. We really enjoyed discussing renewable energy and how we can reduce our electricity use. We then combined our results to find an average reading and discussed the lightest places.


Amazing Amazon Art!

As part of our rainforest topic, we have been looking at the work of Henri Rousseau. We started the topic with a fantastic art session with Bob Sutcliffe, looking at the leaves in the paintings. We then moved on to look at colour mixing using watercolours and pastels. Next, we looked at the animals found in rainforests and drew some of these in our sketchbooks. Finally, we combined all our skills and produced our own rainforest picture. Fabulous work all round!