Monthly archives: July 2023

2093 Class 4 Reunion

And that’s a wrap! Thank you so much to parents who came to our end-of-term play last night. Our production was completely down to the students of Class 4 who worked together on writing, staging, props, costumes, hair, makeup, jokes, lighting and everything else – a massive well done to them on a fabulous performance. This will certainly be a hard one to top next year!!

Class 3 visit the Temple for World Peace

The sun was shining once again as Class 3 visited the Buddhist Temple for World Peace in Ulverston. This was  lovely end to our topic on places of worship, Our visit included some meditation, acting out the story of the life of Buddha, sketching some of the Buddhist symbols along with a picnic in the sunshine.

Amazing Archery.

Classes 2, 3 and 4 had a fantastic time learning how to shoot a bow and arrow! The children loved the sessions where they learnt how to stand, load and fire the arrow. Their aim definitely improved as the session progressed. They were so enthusiastic that some of the children will continue to develop their skills at an after school club in September.

Bay Search and Rescue visit Class One

A huge thank you to Dan and Helen from Bay Search and Rescue who came to visit us this morning in Class One and talk to the children about their roles. They showed us photographs of the types of rescues they are involved in and the vehicles they use. Dan and Helen also gave us some important safety advice about when we are out on the sands and near open water. We were then lucky enough to see the pick up in real life, try on equipment and listen to the sirens. We learnt so much and had a wonderful time! Our current Christian Value is Service and this was a great example of how people in our community show service to others, something we have been exploring through our whole school assemblies.

Whole school opera!


Last week we enjoyed a visit from Joe who works on behalf of Cumbria Opera Group. The whole school from Nursery through to Y6 took part in different interactive singing activities throughout the day. Our newly formed school choir also enjoyed an extra session with Joe in the afternoon; preparing us nicely for September when we will begin weekly practices. Thank you Joe for a wonderful day!


Julian Opie Self Portraits

Class 3 have been looking at the work of Julian Opie. He is a portrait artist with a unique style, using black lines and blocks of colour in his paintings. We have produced our own portraits, using his portraits as our inspiration. Have a look!




Spaghetti Challenge!

Class Three and Four had an amazing morning completing ‘The Spaghetti Structure Challenge.’ The children were set the task of building a structure using spaghetti, blue-tack, masking tape and string. They worked in small groups and their team work skills were put to the test! The structures were designed to hold the weight of a book and were tested to destruction and prizes were awarded for the tallest, strongest and most creative models. The children were fantastic and produced some interesting structures. A big thank you to Christian and Victoria from Architects Plus (UK) for working with the children and judging their work.

Treasure Island!

Reception had a wonderful day out to Derwentwater yesterday in search of treasure! We caught the launch from Hawse End and were dropped off on a large ‘island’ for the day! We listened to a story about a famous pirate who liked to reward children who demonstrated good team-working skills. We had to work together to solve problems and find clues which lead us to our treasure! Well done Reception!

Castle Creations!

Class 3 have had a fantastic time creating their own castles. We started the topic by looking at different examples of castle and identifying their features. Our trip to Sizergh Castle was an amazing start to this. We experimented with making 3-D shapes from nets to see how we may use these in our own work. We then drew up some design criteria such as having battlements, a drawbridge and a personalised flag. We then made our creating using junk modelling and also making shapes from nets.  They were all amazing and very individual.


Water Safety on our Lakes

Years 5 + 6 enjoyed a wonderful day at Fellfoot with Jaqui from Waterwise, teaching us how to be safe when we are out having fun in the outdoors whether that be in the sea, in lakes or rivers.  As well as teaching us all about the dangers of open water, she also provided us with lots of useful advice about how to reduce risk of harm by the decisions we make, what we wear and how we react in different scenarios.   Then we all got into Lake Windermere to put our skills to the test.

During the day we also enjoyed orienteering, a trip to the park, a few team games and a delightful picnic in the sunshine.